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Paul's P.O.V

I knew she looked fimilar. She was my daughter that I left so many years ago. I could see it written on the boys and even Simon's faces that they felt sorry for her when she ran out. I had no clue she was being abused. I get a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello" I say as I pick it up

"Hello is this Paul?" A lady says

"Um yes how may I help you?"

"Well I live across the street and I heard gun shots.They were coming from your old home. I already called the police and an ambulance."Then the lady hung up. And I felt a pain in my chest.

"We need to leave now I just got a call and ..." I trailed off not wanting to say what the call was about.

We drove to the house only to see an ambulance and many police cars there. Some neighbors were outside. Then I saw my exwife, Chad, and their other daughter all with handcuffs on and being questioned by a couple of police officers.Thats when I saw my daughter on a stretcher.

"Stay in the van guys!"I yelled not waiting for a response. I ran to where she was. ''Please let me go in with her shes my daughter please!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes

They gave me the okay and we rushed to the hospital. I saw the van we had taken fallowing us. In minutes we were at the hospital. They rushed Hannah out of the ambuance and straight into a room. When I tried to go in a nurse held me back."Please sir they are doing surgery right now you can't go in." She said then pushed her way into the room. I sat down in the waiting room and broke down.

"PAUL" I heard one of the boys shout

"Paul what happened is Hannah alright?" Liam said with a calm voice

I looked up everybody was crying the boys, the dads, and even Simon was crying."I don't know yet we just have to wait and see.'' I mumbled

I looked at the clock minutes have turned into over three hours. My baby girl has been in surgery for more than three hours. No one has move Niall hasn't eaten or even has asked to go get food in three hours."Releitives or friends of Hannah Higgins?" The same nurse that held me back asked

We all rushed up to.The boys started to bombared her with questions."Boys let the nurse talk" Simon said

"Well she will make a full recovery. But she will havee to stay in the hosiptal for another two weeks and she shouldn't do any sports for the next three weeks. You can all go in to see her but she has made a special request the she would like to see Mr. Malik, her dad, then the rest of you can visit. Any questions?" the nurse said with a small smile on her face

"Yes, where was she shot?" I heard a Niall asked with a pained look in his eyes. Liam mouthed that they overheard the conversation.

"Once in the leg that was it she lost a lot of blood. It took a long time to get her to wake up." she answerd and walked off.

Mr. Mlaik then walked into the room where my daughter was.

Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up in a bed that was not mine I started to panic but a lady came in and explained everything to me. She told me what had happed to my mother, Chad, and Lily so from now on I will be living with Paul or I can be put up for adoption it is my choice. I asked for Mr. Malik to come in first to see me. We talked and he told me that I should stay with my dad and that is exactly what I'm going to do. After a while he got up and called my dad in.

"Hey dad'' I said sitting up a bit

"Hey baby girl I'm so sorry this is all my fault if I would have never left you wouldn't be here.'' He said this with tears rolling down his cheeks

"It's alright dad I still love you and I also forgive you."

"And I still love you baby girl I was just hurt by your mother and I should of just gotten a divorce but I should have been smart enough not to leave you. I still have pictures of us when you were little in my room and I have some on my phone so you are always with me. "

"The nurse said that I can live with you or I can be put up for adoption it's my choice. And my choice is to stay with you."I said by now he was hugging me and making promises to make up for the years he wasn't there to love me and to never let anyone or anything hurt me again. We talked for about ten minutes by then all the tears were gone and we were both smiling.

"I think the guys are all dieing to see you we should let them in." My dad said

"That we should." I giggled

"Oh and one more thing you will be coming on tour with us." He stated

"Really that's so cool I can't wait!" I was actually really happy those five guys are my best friends but there is a cretian one that I think I might have feelings for like more than friend feelings.

After the boys and Simon, and the rest of the dads all came in we discussed how I would be living with them and such. They all left after awhile and let me rest. Well all but one he stayed for a while and we talked and ate dinner he told me he'd come to see me every day. He such a kind guy although he is in One Direction and is famous he or any of the other boys don't seem like famous people they all seem like regular guys. I can't wait for him to visit me again. But he has to go and catch up with the rest of the guys.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay sorry writers block I will post again when I get 5 more votes and 10 comments

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