Chapter Eleven

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        This is too good to be true, I think as Remus and I drink Butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks. We've been laughing and talking the whole time, and it hasn't even been awkward. I'm waiting for the moment when I wake up.
"Lily will be so disappointed." I say.
"Why?" Remus wonders.
"Because, I bet she was expecting me to come back with this amazing, fairy tale story about how our afternoon went. Including a whole bunch of romantic garbage that makes me want to puke." 
He chuckles. "I bet. Tell her I brang you roses and did a serenade."
"Oh, I will." I promise, taking a swig of Butterbeer.
"You've got a cream mustache." Remus laughs.
I laugh too, bringing my sleeve up to wipe it from my face. "Thanks."
"No, wait, you've still got some..." He says, bringing his hand up and wiping it from my cheek. "That's better. There's your romantic moment to tell Lily about."
"I think I'll add that on to the serenade thing, it goes together a bit." I tell him, glancing to my left. "Oh no." I moan, "I'm going to kill her."
"Look." I say, waving reluctantly at Lily and James, who are sitting across the room from us. "It's just like in those Muggle movies where the kids go out on a date, and the parents are secretly watching them from across the restaurant..." I groan, covering my face with my hands.
"Well, let's give them a show." He suggests, grabbing my hand.
I smile. "This isn't like you."
"Nope." He agrees.
"Too much Butterbeer?" I suggest.
"Possibly. But come on, the audience wants a show, so let's give them one." He says.
        And then he's kissing me, and I can't believe it, even though I knew what he would do from the moment he said, "Well, let's give them a show."
"Yeah, I think you had a bit too much Butterbeer. Come on, back to the castle." I say, trying not to look at Lily's smile and James' uncertain expression.


I hear the door open, and I look up to see Lily walking through it. She closes the door behind her, and then leans against it. "Oh my god. I can't believe what just happened."
"What just happened?" I wonder, not looking up from my Charms homework.
"Hogsmeade. Remus. You. Butterbeer." Lily reminds me, sitting across from me on the bed.
I shake my head. "He wasn't himself when he did that. It felt like I was on a date with James or Sirius."
"What do you mean?"
"Just the way he was talking... About 'giving them a show' and all that garbage... it wasn't like him." 
"Well it's not like you can get drunk off of Butterbeer." Lily points out.
"I know. It's strange..." I muse. "And by the way," I say, punching Lily's arm, "why were you spying on us? Are you my overprotective mum now?"
"It wasn't intentional!" Lily defends. "James wanted to go to the Three  Broomsticks."
"Yeah, sure." I tease, still thinking about how Remus acted.
"Stop worrying." Lily murmurs. "I'm sure he was just being silly so things would go smoothly. And the Butterbeer may have added to it."
"Yeah, maybe." I reply, but I'm still not convinced.

Monster (Sequel to Who I Really Am (A Remus Lupin Love Story))Where stories live. Discover now