Chapter 22

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Kylie's POV

  Everything is dark. My whole body feels heavy and I can't move my limbs. There's a constant beeping in the background that keeps the same pattern over and over. I hear people talking about blood pressure, and a brain. I try to concentrate to see if they were talking about me. I figure that I'm still in the hospital and I can't help but wonder what's going on and why I can't wake up.

I hear two voices coming down the hall and immediately recognize them. Eric and Charlie. How did Charlie find out? The two entered the room and are holding each of my hands. Eric, he came to the hospital for me. He hates hospitals. I feel so selfish and stupid for letting him come in, it must be so hard for him.

   I try to open my eyes and an immediately blinded my a bright white light. I blink a couple times and look around the room causing my head to start spinning and hurting.

   "Eric?" I call out.

    "Hey Lee, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

    "Like I just got some of my brain taken out. How are you?"

   Eric rolls his eyes before replying, "I'm doing okay. We were worried about you."

   "Eric don't lie to me. I know you hate hospitals as much as I will as soon as I get out of here. I'm sorry for making you bring me. I was being selfish and wasn't thinking."

   "Lee shut up okay? I'm fine, this was a good way to conquer my fears I guess. At least now I have proof that not everyone dies in hospitals."

    I hear a cough coming from the other side of my bed and slowly turn my head and see Charlie looking distraught and tired.

   "Hey Care-bear," I greet. "How's it going? How's life? What you been up to?" I casually ask.

    "I don't know Kylie, why don't you tell me? Hmm? My best friend has a brain tumor and I didn't find out from her, but from my other best friend. I was lied to by the both of them, you tell me how life is." He bitterly spits out.

   "You didn't get much sleep last night did you? Okay I agree, maybe Eric and I should have told you, but I just figured that everything would be fine and we'd be able to continue life as normal."

   He shot up and left the room faster than I could call out his name. "Let him go Lee. He just needs some time to let it sink in. He's just hurt that you didn't tell him."

   "I don't have to tell him my entire life's plan! I get why he's mad, but he can't just come in and yell at me like that!"

   "Kylie, calm down. It's not his fault. I'm going to go check on him, so try to get some sleep. And calm down a little okay?"

   "Okay. Got it. Bye Eric."

   I wake up to find Charlie sleeping in the chair next to me. It seems like we always end up in the hospital, doesn't it? I check the time on the clock and it says 1:45. I must've slept all day. My head is really killing me and I look around for the call nurse button. She comes in and adjusts my meds to help me get some better sleep.

   I doze off again and this time wake up at 11:47. Charlie is awake now and I take the opportunity to apologize to him.

   "Charlie?" I ask cautiously. He looks up and just nods his head. I mentally roll my eyes, but continue, "I'm sorry for not telling you. You were just really busy with work and so--"

   "So you thought that you would just ask my best friend who is also busy, by the way. I thought we were best friends Kylie?"

I look at him and see him looking at me with tears in his eyes. "Charlie, you know you'll always be my best friend, but it just feels as though everything has changed between us. Like we don't hang out as much as we used to, which I don't mind because I know you're doing the job that you love! But I mean we haven't seen each other in three years, or talked to each other for the past two. You can't just expect everything to be fine and dandy. I really really wish that things could go back to the way they were, but I'm sorry Care-bear they can't and they might not ever."

"I love you, you know," he whispers.

"I love you too Charlie."

"No Kylie, you don't get it do you? I am in love with you!! I have been since the day I met you!" He exclaims. I look at him in shock by his sudden burst.

   "Charlie," I begin, but then a nurse comes in telling us that visitor hours are over. Without saying a word Charlie gets up and exits the room. I don't know what to think. My best friend told me he loves me. Do I or could I love him back?

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