"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room
'Cause all I see are girls too good to be true
With paper-white teeth and perfect bodies
Wish I didn't care"
miguel diaz x fem!oc
sam larusso x male!oc
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im so sorry for all the notifications but please stop being a ghost reader!!!! i dont how many times i have to say this. i am so sorry for the notifications but this is really annoying to see views go up when the votes aren't.
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The hotel lobby was buzzing with activity: the click of suitcase wheels on polished floors, the hum of distant conversation, and the faint scent of coffee wafting from the café nearby. Arizona stood next to Miguel near the concierge desk, her arms loosely crossed as she laughed at something he had said. The warmth of her laughter lit up her face, and Miguel, grinning at his success in making her laugh, pulled her into a quick hug. He kissed her cheek casually, a gesture so natural it spoke volumes about how comfortable they were together.
"I wonder what kind of sightseeing we can squeeze in before the fight," Arizona mused, tilting her head thoughtfully.
Miguel's smile faltered as his focus shifted. His playful expression darkened, and his brows furrowed. "Okay, what is this guy's problem?" he muttered, his voice sharper than before.
Arizona blinked, confused, and turned to follow his gaze. Standing a few feet away near the entrance was Axel, his arms stuffed into the pockets of his jacket. His eyes were fixed on her and Miguel, though as soon as she looked at him, he jerked his head away, feigning interest in the hotel décor.
Arizona let out a tired sigh, turning back to Miguel, who was glaring daggers in Axel's direction. "Look," she started, her voice low and steady. "The night you flew home, I ended up running into him on the beach." She paused, gauging Miguel's reaction, but he was still staring at Axel. She pressed on. "We got to talking, and I guess he got the wrong idea." She hesitated before continuing. "He tried to kiss me."
Miguel's head whipped back toward her, his brown eyes narrowing slightly, but Arizona raised her hands quickly to cut him off. "I immediately backed away, Miguel. I shut it down-fast. Nothing happened, okay?"
Miguel held her gaze for a moment, his tense shoulders relaxing slightly as he processed her words. He nodded, his face softening. "I know," he said quietly, his voice filled with trust. "You wouldn't cheat. That's not who you are."
Relieved, Arizona smiled faintly, but she couldn't help but notice Miguel's attention drift back to Axel, his glare returning with full force.
"He knows I have a boyfriend," Arizona added, her tone exasperated. "I told him right away. I don't think he's taking it super well, but I've made it crystal clear. I told Dylan and Sam about it, but I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry. I should have. It's just..." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "There's been so much going on. With Cobra Kai being back and Terry Silver stirring up trouble again, it slipped my mind."