Chapter 1 Intrduction

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"It's been two years, get over it! !!"
"You never loved her like I did!" I responded
"R-RED is right, b-but B-BEN you're also true....." Silver said quietly

I was talking with RED and Silver about what had happened to Brosia. I miss her. I want her. I need her back and I will find her. I will be her dark prince coming to save her from whatever hell she's in, I don't care what any one says I will never get over Brosia. She is my Zelda to my Link. I am nothing without her, she completes me and I don't care if that's cheesy it's how I feel.

"Come on Alexis really likes you!" RED announced.
"I don't care I could never do that to my Brosia, I know she's out there, she's waiting for me to save her and I need to hurry before its to late."
I replied back calmly. RED just rolled his eyes and waltzed away. Alexis is the new creepy pasta that came exactly a year after Brosia was gone. Today the are celebrating a year of Alexis being here as the new creepy pasta and not even mourning that today my Brosia has been gone for two years, the fact they don't care hurts almost as bad as her being gone from me.

I sit here playing what was her favorite video game, tears streaming down my face .... Remembering all the good memories we had, some of the bad ones too but I don't like to think of those. My vision is blurred from crying so I decide to take a break. I get up with my weary legs and walk up to my small mirror. My eyes are red and swollen, my cheeks are puffy and pink. I look like a fucking balloon but I don't care. I miss her and this is how I show and deal with that pain.

I walk down the stairs into the living room walking around to the kitchen. There are very few people so I ignore them all, they all know it's never best to talk to me at this time so they don't try. "I hate there smiles.... How can they be so happy and joyful on a day like this, who gives a shit about the dumb ass new girl?!" I yelled to my self in my head "it isn't fair my Brosia deserves better and I will get it for her"

They where holding this grand stupid party for the newbie,..... It started awhile ago I was still locked in my cave, I wasn't planning on coming out but I need to talk to Slender. As I walk to Slender's office I start having a conversation in my head, I do this a lot cause people like to bring up my past so I just stopped talking like Brosia did.
I knock on Slender's door

"Come in child" he beckoned
"Slender we need to have a serious talk...... About Brosia."
He sighed "Benjamin...... It's been two years.. I realize you cared deeply about this girl" I cut him off
"About Brosia don't you dare disrespect her!"
He sighed once more and began to speak again, " I know you cared about.... Brosia... But I think it's time you let her go, it's what she would want." Slender tried to sound reassuring.

"You wouldn't know! You didn't know her like I did! She's probably scared and helpless waiting for me to rescue her she's probably in pain! And you guys forgot about her you gave up!......and well I won't give up on my princess. I will save her with or with out ur help!"

Slender stopped and processed for awhile thinking and choosing his words carefully. "I am with you and I to miss Brosia dearly, but holding on hurts worse then letting go and none of us gave up on Brosia, we just...... Found a distraction...."

"Oh yea Brosia's replacement"
"Not replacement" slender tried but I wasn't buying any of his shit.
"Whatever she is we are finding Brosia...... Tonight. Everyone must help even Jeff and EJ." I'm done moping and waiting!, "I will save you my precious Brosia."

(Slender's POV)
BEN came to my office unexpectedly and of course wanted to talk about....... Her. He kept going on about how we don't care about poor Brosia and how none of us mourn as he dose but we do. Just not as specifically. Some of us actually have work to do and not waste time on a girl who is probably gone for good. I try my greatest to calm down the poor depressed boy but he wouldn't give. The best decision was to just agree and help him, the small thing could never do it on his own. Pathetic.

(Jeff's POV)
Ever since the ...... Incident... I've felt more guilty each going day I hate what I did and the fear and pain in her eyes was so much to take in I can never get that look outta my head, she greeted death with a smile, from all the pain we caused her she was happy to be free but I don't think that was the case. EJ and I were accepted back in but punished first. I'm surprised they forgave us that easily...... But BEN never did and .....probably never will.... I regret it so much.. Because I lost my best friend and the one I loved....... If only he didn't want that bitch I just wanted her outta the picture so I could have my BEN.... I never wanted to kill her, just to take her away...... EJ could've made her happy and she could've learned to love him. She should've loved him I shoulda killed her before all this started I had the chance to...... But it's been done and BEN will forgive me and love me like I love him. He will be mine.

(EJ's POV)
...... My Brosia,..... She's gone..... Fuck!..................(breaths heavily) it's been two years... Two long years and I haven't seen her beauty,... Jeff ruined everything, that dumb ass!, he fucked it up,... Why did he have to kill her. I needed her! her fear is what fueled my love.... I will get her back and keep her away from BEN, I'll kidnap her again for all I care I need her she is mine and always will be and she knows this....... I will get her back.

I was in my room, like always playing what used to be Brosias favorite game eating all her favorite foods when some one walked in...... Without knocking I had no shirt on and I was clearly crying.
"What the fuck! What are you doing in here! I told everyone to leave me the fu-......."
It was Alexis,.... Oh no.
"I-I'm sorry I just need t-to talk to you"  she exclaimed
"Stop stuttering like that!"
"What do u want"
"I know you've never liked me and I've heard vaguely why and IK it's about a ex girl frien-" I cut her off too
"Girl friend she IS NOT my ex!"
"Sorry,.... But it's because of her and I just wanna be friend with u I mean u could start liking me to.?" She winked at me, I was so disgusted with her the my evil side came out.
"Sure I'll play some video games with you"
I sat down and patted a spot next to me, I made sure it wasn't Brosia's spot no ones allowed near there,... I popped in the legend of Zelda Majoras mask of course but, she's to dumb to know its my game.
She plays for a bit and out of no wear I suck her into a game right when she's battling the boss at the woodland temple. I quickly zap away as she screams running not being able to go anywhere. I sit there and laugh at her struggling, by now she's in tears but I don't care she tried to replace my baby, she deserves this. She's about to be killed by the boss so I teleport her back to real life and she falls to the floor hyperventilating,
"You shouldn't have done that" I whisper blood streaming from my eyes "GET.....OUT" "NOW!"
She bolts from my room and runs down the hall crying, but I'm still not fazed I close my door and laugh evilly I feel so accomplished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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