HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBODY!!!!! I wanted to get this chapter out on the first day of 2025! Think of this chapter as a filler episode. I just wanted to make the series a bit funny and fun! Enjoy!It has been a month since the I-Island incident happened. After that everyone went to enjoy their time off from School for the Summer Break. Melissa would stay in touch with Izuku just in case he needed any new tech made for him. She thought this was the least she could do for him after all he's done for her. Speaking of our green hero, Izuku was lying in his bed snoring with a drool coming out of his mouth. He stirred his eyes open and rubbed it. He yawned and stood up stretching, raising his t-shirt a bit.
He got out of bed and walked into his living room. Usually his mom would be home this time of day, but she wasn't. She must've taken an early shift at work, or went to the store to get some groceries. Either one of the two.
He felt his tummy rumble and decided to check the cabinets for something to eat. Nothing appealing caught his eyes until he saw it. The limited edition premium ramen. His mouth watered at the sight of it, after begging his mother multiple times to get it, she got it! "WHOA!! I-is that really it! The Limited Edition Ramen!" He snatched it.
"Mom must have gotten it for me!" Izuku shouted jumping up and down with joy as he walked to the center of the living room until it finally died down fast. "This is boring..." He said with a depressing tone. "Oh yeah I know!" He smiled as he put up a hand sign. Smoak came out on either sides of Izuku, showing two Shadow Clones of him.
"Hey! Guys! Guess what I got!" Izuku showed the ramen box to the two grinning.
"No WAY! Is that the limited edition ramen!" The clones shouted with shock as he eyed the box.
"You can't get that anywhere!!" The other clone shouted in shock.
"Yep! Do you want some limited edition premium ramen!!" Izuku shouted pointing at the box.
"YEAH!!!" Both of the clones shouted.
"Are You Sure!!!??"
"DO YOU REALLY WANT SOME?!!" He shouted with glee.
"Well then!" Izuku brought out a box of "Pro Hero Play Card" cards to play with. Each card represented a Pro Hero to set down. Either it was Endeavour, or All Might. How strong they were in real life, represented the card's points. Whoever has the most Pro Hero cards, is the winner. The way they get the most Pro Hero cards represent their Pro Hero point number. If the player has the most points out of everyone in the match, he could take the cards away. "Whoever wins! Gets to have it!!!
"Alright then, I'm going to split these up into 10 divided pieces!" Izuku grinned. They were sitting on the floor in the living room with a small wooden desk to play on.
"Yeah, yeah we know how to play! Come on hurry up!" The clone shouted.
"Alright!" Izuku divided the cards into 10 separated ones and handed them each to them, he placed the stack of deck to the other sides.
"Alright I'll go first!" The second clone shouted.
"Hey! Who said you get to go first!? We haven't gone in order yet!" The first clone barked at the second.
"Hey! At least he offered.." Izuku nervously sweat dropped as he checked his deck of cards.
"Yeah whatever, just play already..." The first clones grumbled and checked his card.
"Alright! I'll go with this!" The second clone set down the "Gun Hero" which contained. 2,146 points.
"Gun Hero? Please, that's child's play!" The first clone brought out "Hound Dog" which contained 2,568 points.

The Reincarnation Of The Seventh Hokage
AdventureNaruto Uzumaki. After achieving his dream of becoming Hokage, the Hidden Leaf Village was left in the history books. Izuku Midoriya, after telling he couldn't become a hero, Naruto's soul went inside Izuku, the quirkless boy never knew he had the po...