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I hate shopping. I have a few reasons, too. For example; I'm out with my family, and we're walking around the store, and I either see something interesting or stop to tie my shoe. The rest of my family don't notice, they just keep walking and leave me by myself. I then realize that they're gone and start looking for them. When I find them, they don't seem to have noticed that I was gone. Second example; My mum and sister or whoever make plans to go shopping, or, like in NS, we were driving and decided to stop. I say that I don't want to go. 'Come on, you never do anything.' 'Just come, it'll be quick.' 'You'll find something.' Never do, never quick. But, just today, we were shopping in a Fabric Land and in the same complex was a Value Village. My sister says 'I don't feel like going to Value Village right now.' And we didn't. If I were to say that, we'd go anways. And to think, my parents wonder why I'm so antisocial.

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