Johnny Imagine

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You're walking home from the Curtis house one night when you hear an engine rev behind you.

You turn to see a group of Socs making their way toward you.

 "Hey cutie, what's somebody like you doing walking alone?" You ignore them and keep walking.

 "Hey! I'm talking to you!" The Soc yells.

 before you know it the four Socs get out of the car and walk up behind you.

"How about you come with us sweetie, and nobody gets hurt" one says with a grin on his face.

You push his hand off you, and before you can even react they have you pinned to the ground.

 You only get out one scream before they cover your mouth.

"Let her go." you hear a firm voice say.

 You hear the sound of a switchblade opening and quickly they all run off.

 You get up and see Johnny standing there with his blade out.

 You walk over to him and hug him tightly.

 "Thank you" you whisper.

"What can I do to repay you?"

 You hear Johnny laugh "Well, there is one thing..."

 He mumbles. You look up at him as he leans forward to kiss you.

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