Ponyboy imagine

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The moment you round a corner you run into somebody.

"OH GOD I AM SO SORRY!" You practically yell at them.

"It's no problem, really, you didn't mean too" a males voice mumbled.

You look up to a boy with bleached blonde hair looking back at you.

He began to introduce himself "I'm Ponyboy... You're awfully pretty if you don't mind me saying so..." you saw his face flush.

And couldn't help but feel yours do the same.

"I'm Y/N I just moved here. I don't know a single person..." you trailed off.

He bit his lip and looked off in another direction.

"Hey. I know I just met you but. If you want, I can introduce you to my friends." he offered sounding very nervous.

You nod and he grins at his feet. Blushing again.

He slowly lifts his hand to grasp yours and pulls you in the direction of his house.

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