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Young is waiting for me on the other side of the door, his legs spread slightly and his arms crossed in front of his chest. I hated the word mundrel but I missed hanging out with Young so much that a smile creeped up on my face.

Me: Stuck with babysitting me again? Brings back memories.

I giggled and then passed Young, thinking he will retort with something and then just guide me where to go, but he said nothing. Young remained standing in front of the door and stared at the ground. I paused my movements at called him three times before he finally turned and started to walk. I was happy to see him after such a long time, thinking about how he used to show me around, then popped into the common room and tried to teach me basics of telekinesis when I got assigned to Ossilor. Or the times when he just asked me how am I doing in the Professor Defer's classes. But it's like he is not here voluntarily. Well, at the beginning he got assigned to me because of his performance and also being a prefect and all, so it's not like did it voluntarily before too. It's just that this time it feels... different.

Me: Everything okay, Young?

Young: Your usual, as always.

He definitely lied to me. I didn't want to pry, but nothing throws off Young, so if he is acting like this, something must have happened. I quickly formed some questions in my head that I could ask him but before I could even say one of them, I got interrupted by my another good friend, Kisha. She is alone and even though I should be hurrying to wherever I am supposed to go and meet some investigator, I stopped by her and held a small conversation. I asked about the girls and how's everything going. Apparently Skylar is flying between the clouds. She is not hanging out with them anymore that much because she is always somewhere with Nathan, and when she comes back, she won't stop talking about him and their dates. Other than that, everyone is just studying or doing whatever they like to do.

I wanted to talk to Kisha more but Young cleared his throat behind me, subtly telling me that we should go. I apologized to Kisha for having to go and then growled at Young for being such a party-pooper. Kisha only laughed and then told me that I should go. Young started to walk away first but I stayed to hug Kisha and swiftly exchange ideas about hanging out soon, something like breakfast or lunch. I waved at Kisha and went to join Young who is waiting for me in the hallway. When I got to his spot, he turned around and continued walking.

Young: Who was that? She had a 3rd year Ossilor cloak so I doubt she is your friend you're your year, back when you were assigned to Aveus.

Me: If you tell me what's bothering you, I will tell you more about Kisha.

Young: It's not like I want to know.

Me: Hmm. Don't you?

I leaned my upper body to the front, peeking with my head to look at Young's face. He quickly turned away but kept walking straight. I picked up my pace and hopped a few big steps to get in the way of Young's path. He quickly halted and didn't bump into me. Taking steps left to right, right to left, I tried to block Young who wanted to pass me but couldn't. He got annoyed but he still can't look me straight in my eyes. His head is twisted towards the right wall, staring at nothing. He threatened me that I will be scolded if I am late and make the investigator wait for me, but I still didn't budge. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, raised my left eyebrow and stared on Young.

Young: Fine. I am here as a punishment.

Me: What did you do, to deserve being stuck with me again? Wait, are you calling me a punishment?

Young: I didn't mean it like that. I just did something I shouldn't and earned a strike. But as a prefect, they gave me a chance to scratch it, if I volunteer to do some work.

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