Woreus tugs on the green tie to tighten it, but also to intimidate Draco. I don't know if he really thinks that it will do anything, since Draco is much bigger and he could easily win in a fight. That leaves the question if he could also win over my brother when it comes to the ancient god powers.
My brother positions himself next to me in a protective manner. He hides his hands into the pockets and acts relaxed, but I can sense that he is not backing down with the dauting. Draco stands up, extending an arm to greet Woreus. He introduces himself like this is your normal boyfriend-meeting-the-family-for-the-first-time type of meet up.
Without budging, Woreus keeps his hands concealed and refuses the handshake. I ask him if he is for real and if he intends to continue this stupid behavior, through the mind connection to not reveal how Woreus really feels towards Draco, but I think he can still guess it anyway. I cross my arms in annoyance to which Woreus reacts by offering his hand. Draco smiles and gladly grabs it. They both start shaking their hands but won't separate. Woreus is standing composed, like nothing is bothering him. Draco on the other hand, I see veins pop out on his forearms, he grits teeth and locks his jaw. I realize that they are both trying to win a fight of who can squeeze harder. Like two children. Slapping Woreus' chest with the back of my hand he releases Draco out of his grip.
The whole interaction is awkward. Draco seems like he wants to speak up about something, but after being beaten by the handshake, he doesn't do it. Instead, he tries to keep the conversation casual, but even with his normal questions, Woreus is avoiding it either by staying quiet or replying that "it's none of his business". Draco is not giving up on trying to improve my brother's impression, and Reilly ditched me to deal with them on my own. I sit right next to Draco, our fingers interlocked as a proof to Woreus that I am serious about him and I am not changing my mind, but neither is my stubborn brother.
The room is quiet that if you wanted to, you could slice the silence with a knife. No one is speaking, at least not out loud. Draco wants to, but everytime he takes a breath, I give his hand a squeeze to stop him, because I am occupied by arguing with Woreus through the connection. It is mostly me yelling at him, demanding an explanation but he refuses to answer and professionally changes the topic.
I know he is gatekeeping something from me, but there is no time to figure this all out right now. Looking at how Woreus is clenching his fists up to the point his knuckles turn white and red liquid wants to escape out, he must be near his limit in holding the human form. I ask Draco to leave us alone and promise that I will figure this out. He only nods and looks at my brother. Woreus is looking straight in front of him, seemingly not paying attention to us, even though he is still guarding me like a real dog. Draco cups both my cheeks and presses his warm soft lips against mine. I hear a growl in my mind, so I tap Draco's chest slightly, then stare at Woreus. He sends down a message, that he is ready to tear Draco's neck if needed. When Draco leaves, I snap at Woreus after I hear the door close.
Me: What the hell is wrong with you, acting like that?
Woreus: Just protecting my little sister. Can't be anything wrong with that?!
Me: Go to hell, Woreus. We barely spoke about our family and I keep you here because I know you are my brother... only because I found out through a research. None of y'all bothered to stay with me so don't pretend like we are a normal functional family. Everyone is tucked away safely in Viysus while I got stuck with a dog that is trying to chase the people I love, the people that were here for me, when all of you abandoned me.
Woreus: It's not like I wanted to do that, Kaitlin. You know about my powers. I am bound to them, I am a slave to the wolf form.
Me: Doesn't seem to bother you, having fun in the forest and all.

Hallor Chronicles
FantasyHave you ever thought when you were little that you could have magical powers? Maybe you did but then you grew up and you forgot about it. But what if I told you that there are people with these special gifts? They could be you, or me, or your class...