Chaper 2- I called him Babe?!

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Parker P.O.V

"Excuse me but you're blocking the strawberries." I say

I curse to myself immediately. Really Parker, I say to myself, that's the first thing you say to your mate. Great job man. Great job.

"Oh I'm so sorry." says my mate. I groan involuntarily, his voice is so soft yet so masculine at the same time. I breathe in to try to calm the stirring in my pants, but all it does is make me breathe in his scent and grow "down south" even more.

"Dammit" I whisper to myself, hoping that he doesn't notice the growing bulge that's happening with Parker Jr at the moment.

"Ummm excuse me?" he says.

"No no no, not you. I, uh, accidentally stubbed my toe." I say quickly.

" But anyways, what's your name? My name's Parker and this" I say pointing to Emily, "is my nei- my daughter. This is my daughter Emily.

" Oh she's adorable"

"Thank you"

"Well my name is Ryan. Ryan Thompson and I am the Alpha of the Knightway pack. The third largest pack in all of North America. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure anything"

"I can smell that you're a werewolf but it's kind of tainted. Why is that?" He asks softly.

"This is kind of a sore spot for me but I never shifted yet. It's weird because wolfs generally shift from a young age, and yet here I am in my 20's but still haven't shifted yet." I tell him almost bitterly.

"I'm sorry I asked" Ryan whispers while looking down.

"No no. It's not your fault at all babe" I say about to continue but he has a weird expression on his face that makes me stop.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, trying to think back to what I said.

"Oh uh, nothing" he says, his face still looking a little dazed.

"Look I, uh, I have to go but maybe I can go over to your house, sometime. I mean if you want me to. I don't have to. You know what maybe-"

"Hey Ryan, it's ok you can come over. I live smack dab, right in the middle of the meadow."

"The one near the abandoned farm?" He asks softly, blushing a cherry red colour.

"Yes Ryan. That farm"

"Okay I'll swing by tomorrow"

We exchange numbers and he goes on his way. I turn to Emily who has been unusually quite that whole conversation.

"Is someone tired?" I whisper to my bubbers. She nods and struggles to keep her eyes open.

"We are going home now. It's ok bubby" I softly say to her as I go to the cashier with my items.

"Oh sorry sir!" I say as I bump into a man with a red hood on.

I hurry to an empty cashier and start to unload my items on to the check out.

" Hi babe" says the cashier girl. A fairly pretty girl with her black hair in a high ponytail and light pink lipstick on. Her mascara frames her pretty dark brown eyes.

The only thing is that her tits are basically falling out of her top. I take a look at Emily, who's eyes are now wide open and staring widely at her chest.

"Daddy, milk!" Emily says excitedly while pointing at the cashier girl's ( who's name tag read Jasmine ) breasts.

I struggle to hold in my laugh as Jasmine huffs and hurries to give me my groceries. I'm not going to lie she's a pretty girl but she has no respect for her body.

That is going to be a real turn off for a guy that's not a perv.

I grab my bags with, Emily strapped to my back and head to the car.

I open the trunk and place my groceries in there. I close the trunk door and place Emily, who is now asleep, in her car seat and buckle her in.

As I drive home I just take a moment to think about the day.

I met my mate, he's coming over and he has my number.

What a day!

As I pull up into my driveway I see a figure on the porch holding something.

I step put of my car with Emily in one hand and groceries in the other and get closer to see Ryan.

"Ryan?" I say, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh uh, you forgot to take up strawberries so I bought some for you." he says, blushing softly

This guy will be the death of me.

"Thank you Ryan. That's really sweet of you. Would you like to come in?" I say.

"Thanks, but I can't stay for long. I have pack work to do."

We walk into my house and I lock the door. I lead him to the family room and we sit down.

"What's behind your back?" I ask Ryan.

"Oh uh, I went to my mom's garden and cut you a rose. It's white and I thought it looked beautiful like you. I mean, it looks ok. You don't look ok. I don't mean you look good, well- "

"Ryan, it looks amazing! Thank you. White roses are actually my favourite flowers. Why did you bring me a flower though?"

"Well I know that we both know that we're mates but we both don't really talk about, and ever since I was little I made a vow to myself that I would love and respect my mate so, yeah" he says in a rush.

That was beautiful. But I'm not the type of person to love someone in a day. Mate or not. In fact I've never loved someone at all. I just don't believe in love at first sight.
------------- 1 hour later ---------------

"Thank you for your hospitality" Ryan says as he gets up to leave.

" No problem" I tell Ryan as I kiss his cheek. I don't want to act to cold to the guy. He is my mate after all.

"So- so I'll text you tomorrow" Ryan stutters as he turns beat red.

"Ok babe, good night." As I close the door I see the same expression that he had on his face early this afternoon in the store.

As I head upstairs and take off all my clothes except for my boxers to sleep in ( I showered earlier ) I wonder why Ryan had that expression on his face.

Just as I'm about to drift of to sleep,after putting Emily in her bed for the 2nd time to to tonight, my eyes flash open.

"Oh my gosh!" I groan. " I called him
babe, not once but twice today."

No wonder he had that expression on his face.

I messed up. I messed up really bad!


Authors note

So here's the second chapter. I hoped you liked it.

This story may be fiction but there are a couple things that I added that are actually true. For example, I really do love white roses, and I also never been in love ad don't believe in love at first sight.

If you want my social media just message me and if you have any ideas message me also.

The picture on the top or side or whatever is Ryan. He's gorgeous!!!

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