chapter 18

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Your POV
When we got out of the hotel we headed right. About 2 blocks down, we were finally at the steak house. "The chefs kitchen" sounds good. We went inside and there was almost no one there.
"Table for two please"
You hear your Aunt say to the lady at the front desk. "Ok please follow me"
She replys as you and your Aunt follow her instructions. The lady leads you to a small table seated for two (imagine that ) next to a window. Although it was dark outside there was plenty of light coming from downtown Indianapolis.
"So what do you think about this place so far?"
Your Aunt asks trying to make small talk.
"Wait, the restaurant or Indianapolis?"
I ask confused.
"Indianapolis hun."
She says back a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Oh well, i like the place it seems nice. I am after all a city lover."
You say shrugging at the end.
"I am glad you like it here"
She says looking at the menu.

*time skip after dinner back at hotel*

"Hey im gunna take a shower if you dont mind"
You tell your Aunt when you return back to the hotel after dinner.
"Ya thats fine"
She replys reading a magazine at the desk the hotel offered.

*time skip after shower*

You walk out of the bathroom in fuzzy pajama pants and a white tank top. You put your hair in a braid again to make it more managable tomorrow. Its about 8:30pm now and so you decide to check social media. Nothing real interesting happened back in Minnesota so you set your phone down and pull out a book. Right now you are reading Zoo by James Patterson. At around 9pm you put your book down and tell your Aunt you are gunna go and get some candy from the vending machine down the hall and then maybe take a little walk around the hotel.
"I will be back before 10pm"
You tell her on your way out.

With phone and $10 in hand you exit your room and turn left. The Vending machine is a couple halls away so you have some time to think. You then remember that markiplier asked about you earlier. I wonder why. You round the corner and the vending machine is at the end of the hall. You walk past room 308 and here there tv going talking about indypopcon today. Wait you might be on the news! You sprint and get a Mt. Dew and a bag of M and Ms. You sprint back to your room.
"Turn on the tv!"
You yell at your Aunt.
"What, why, ok."
She responds startled from your quick enterance. She turns on the tv and sees the headline at the bottom of the screen.
'Hackers destroy Convention?'
Ya, that sounds about right.
A lady with blonde straight hair and blue eyes comes onto the screen.
"Hello i am Sunny Parker and i am broadcasting here at Indypopcon live. Acorrding to witnesses the tvs here were hacked to say there was severe weather coming and that they needed to take shelter immediately. So everyone went into the convention basement and stayed down there for around 15 minutes. They came back up and apperently everything was destroyed. Security cameras had been painted black so we couldent see who did it and everyone were wearing black ski masks with a red X on the back."
Sunny says.
"As you can see behind me some of the youtubers at the convention offered to help clean up. So most of everything has already been cleaned up. Here i have Convention host Tom Collins for an update.
"Thank you Sunny. So our groups here are supposed to recover any items that can still be good and everything will be the same by tomorrow morning when everyone comes back. "
Tom says back.
"Ok so everyone out there who was here today, dont worry everything will be good when you come back tomorrow, okay back to you Steve."
Sunny says as the camera changes from at the convention center to back at the news studio. Okay something about that guy Tom seemed off. Why would youtubers offer there time to help clean up if they know they are going to have to sign and do panels for hours the next couple days?
"Sorry for running in here but i heard some people watching this in the hallways and i wanted to see if it had any new information. "
You says to your Aunt as you sit back onto your bed.
"Oh its fine dear"
She says back holding her magazine back up. You pick your phone back up. 9:20pm. Okay. What am i gunna do now. You open up your soda and bag of M and Ms. You set down your phone and pull out your laptop. You play 'subnautica' untill you hear your Aunt stand up from the desk.
"I am going to be dear and i recommend the same for you."
She says putting her magizine in a bag she has on the other side of her bed. What its like 9:30pm !? You look up to the corner of your laptop screen and see it says 11:03pm. Wow, its got a lot later then you remember. You put away your laptop and go and brush your teeth. You throw away your can and wrapper from the candy and get into your bed. You click off the lamp and within seconds your asleep.

a simple wish. (markiplier fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now