Part 38

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Bella's POV

The men drop Kai to the ground. Kai curls up and holds in stomach in pain. My eyes start tearing up.

"Please, like we'll be scared of a little girl." One of the masked men say while cracking his fingers.

I hold my place. "Don't think I'm weak. You're hurting the people I care about. I will not surrender."

They just laugh at me and get closer.

"NO! BELLA! STOP!" Xiumin yells and tries to come stop me. Luhan grabs ahold of him and pulls him back.

"I got this." I scream back to them.

"Bella! Please, don't mess with them! You don't know what they can do!" Luhan screams.

"I will not back out!" I scream back. "Just stay back!"

Luhan backs up.

Kai looks up at me. His lips was bleeding. "Please, Bell, go, don't get involved."

I shake my head.

One guy takes a swing on me. I quickly dodge it and sneak behind him. I take his arm and hold his arm back. I notice someone coming up behind me. I back kick them and swing the guy around and slam them against to each other. The other man backs away.

"Oh my goodness." I think to myself. I back away and see the men helping each other up.

"You're making a big mistake, little lady." They say.

I shrug. "I don't think so."

One man picks up Kai and holds him up with one hand. He holds up a fist.

I start to panic. I don't think faster enough. I see the man going in for a punch. I quickly run over and knee him in the stomach.

"Oh!" The man groans and falls to the ground.

"Get him!!" I scream to Sehun, D.O, Suho causing them to flinch. They quickly get him and run to Luhan.

I turn around and face the two men who are left standing.

"You...You will not...get out of here alive...Try....try me!" I say taking breaths in between making myself look more scary. I slowly walk to them. I ball up my fists.

"You're just a little girl. You can't hurt us." They say trying to get me to step out.

"Think again." I pick up a stick.

The men back away with their partner unconscious in the middle.

"Look, we're...w-we're sorry. We'll go." They run away ttipping on each other's clothes.

I smile and clap my hands. I turn around and all I can see was black. Black? Why black? Ok, why is my heard hurting?

Luhan's POV

Bella stands up to them with no hesitation. They start closing up on her.

"NO! BELLA! STOP!" Xiumin screams. He tries to run to her, but I stop him.

"Don't, it'll be worse." I trt to convince him to stay back.

"But...Bella! She's going to get hurt." Xiumin pleads.

"No, it's ok. I know Bella, that's Kai right there, she's not going to back out without a fight."

Xiumin calms down.

"Bella! Please don't mess with them! You don't know what they can do!" I scream to her.

"I will not back out! Just stay back!" Bell screams back at me.

I wipe sweat off my forehead.

"Should we call the police?" Lay asks me.

"No, I don't think so. We can't let the company know this happened." I say quickly.

"But we need too! What if they come back? What if they are planning to kills us? WE NEED TO TELL THE MANAGER!" Tai starts freaking out. Chen pats his back.

"How is Kris?" Xiumin asks putting aside Tao.

"He's fine, but his eye is a bit swollen." Lay answers.

I turn around and see Bella totally owning the men.

"Oh dang! When did she learn all those moves?" Xiumin bites his fists.

"She didn't learn it...."

Xiumin shoves me. "Don't scare me like in the movies!"

"She justs turns into a totally different person when she's mad. It's pretty scary." I explain, not taking eyes off Bella.

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