Part 42

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Bella's POV

I wake up to Luhan shaking me slightly.

"Bell. Bell. Wake up." Luhan softly pats my cheek. "Wake up."

I squint at him. "What's- What's this? What the-"

"Hello. You're name is Bella and I am your best friend, Luhan. Wake up, Someone is here for you."

Before I could try to stand up, Zoey comes bursting through the door.

"BESTIE!!!!" Zoey screams.

My eyes widen and I start screaming. "Zoe!!!! OMO!!! You're really here!"

I jump out of bed and engulf her in a big hug.

"Oh, I can't believe you weren't joking around with me!" I say to her while hugging.

"Of course not. Luhan and I planned it for awhile now. I wanted to surprise you, but things usually go wrong when I try to surprise you. Remember your 'surprise' party."

We pull away and start laughing.

"Awh! You-" I punch Luhan softly.

"Hey, you would've done the same for me, wouldn't you?" Luhan rubs his arm.

"Yeah, but I would have a hard time figuring out who to invite." I say referring to all his members.

Zoey pats my shoulder. "We have so much to do now!"

"Yes! So much! I won't feel so left out anymore!" I shout. "It would be so much easier with you!"

Zoey smiles and gives me another quick hug.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Not too long ago. I arrived and met all the members, they are so cute btw. Then, Luhan told me that you were sleeping with Kai." Zoey winks.

I gasp. "Don't put it like that, geez." I shove Luhan onto the bed.

"You were. At least I wasn't the one snapping photos like it was a photo shoot." Luhan argues.

"WHAT? Who?"

Luhan smiles and shakes his head. He places a finger on his lips.

I scoff. "Anyways, where's Kai?"

"Oh wow. Your best friend flew all the way to America and you're asking for Kai?!" Zoey crosses her arms.

"No, no, no."

"I'm joking, he's in the living room with Xiumin, Sehun, D.O, and Suho."

We all walk out of the room and greet everyone.

"Hey, Bella, did you sleep well?" Kai asks me once he sees me.

I nod. "Yeah, but where did you go? What is the time? What are we doing?"

"I woke up and I saw you were still sleeping. You looked so peaceful, too, I didn't want to wake you because you had a tough day." He embraces me.

"You two are so adorable, gosh, I swear." I hear Zoe whisper to Luhan.

"It's 6:32. We haven't had dinner yet. Maybe, we should get Jjajangmyeon-" Suho suggests.

"How about I cook dinner?" I raise my hand and stop Suho.

"You can cook?" D.O asks.

"Puh-lease! I could open a restaurant and win all my customer's hearts with one meal!" I cross my arms.

D.O laughs. "Oh really?"

"Whenever we stay together when our parents go away, she's always the one cooking." Luhan explains. "She can make all kinds of dishes. Especially her American dishes. MWAH!"

"Yeah, she is really good at cooking. She said she learned from cookbooks." Zoey adds and shoots me a smile.

I smile. "I am awesome. You guys let me, I promise you'll love it." I pull away from Kai and beg. "Tell me what you want and I will make it. Since, I have Zoey here, she has to help and the food will be 10x better!"

Sehun and Xiumin smile at each other then look to Suho and D.O.

"Ok, sure." Suho shrugs. "We'll see what your skills are."

"Yeah, make Jjajangmyeon! Can you make that?" D.O smirks.

I scoff. "I can make that! I memorized how to make it because my family loves that dish and always ask me to make it. I will make it right now for dinner!"

"We will rate it out of 10 after we eat it!" Sehun yells.

I link with Zoey. "Let's go, my love."

"Right after you, my lady."

We laugh at our English as we walk out the front door.

"Ok, do you where to go?" Zoey asks me.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know what store to go to?"

"Um, no..."

"LUHAN!!!" We both call him.

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