Chapter 7:

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Anna's pov.
I enter the old school building. Never thought I'd see this place again...

It was as if I entered my nightmare. This building brings memory's. Flashbacks of the past.

I even get types of visions from them to. They were more like fragments of memory's that never want to complete themselves.

I continue to walk until I met up with the room I hated most. This exact room was the place Mark took me to all those years ago. Just two years ago he had done it again...

I never completly liked this place. It had that creepy vibe that I really didn't like. But, being here again and now I don't really get freaked out by the place...

It was odd. But I never really mind it. I guess being immortal must do this to people....

I laugh at my concious. I really amuse myself at times nowadays. Anyways, I continue through the building seeing something that intrested me. A bloodstain.

I kneel down by the stain seeing that it was dry blood. I was intrigued by the stain before remembering the past event. Mark had stabbed me in the stomach.

It really pissed me off when he stabbed me. I mean sure I was scared for my life but still. He didn't have to stab me I mean I could have stabbed myself you know!

I laugh at my concious again. I was gaining to much amusment by myself. It was funny when you got amused by your concious to since you know your concious is funnier then you are...

" What are you doing here Anna?" Questions a dark voice from behind me. I knew who it was already but I didn't feel like ruining his moment. I played along with it.

" Well I'm obviously not looking for unicorns if thats what your thinking." I answer with a smirk. The shadowy figure comes out a little so that you could see the outline of their body.

" I thought this place was perfect for unicorn hunting" Sarcasticly states what now was visible and that was Jeff the Killer.

Me and Jeff have known each other for quite a long time. I actually use to be friends with him before he went all cerial killer. But, Hes mellowed out a bit and isn't as Cerial killer. Hes more Murderer then cerial killer and I'm cool with that since I like to piss him off so much.

" I did to but apparently it isn't." I agreed. Jeff rolls his eyes. I smile at my own answer.

" Why are you here?" Questions Jeff. I stare at him.

" What? No hello?" I ask. Jeff rolls his eyes once more. " I am here just to see how beautiful this place might have been if it didnt turn into an abandoned school..."

" I think it would have been beautiful." Replies Jeff. I smile at him thinking of the school.

" I think it would have to..." I simply reply.

" I think, It would be even more gorgous, if someone like you took it over......."

A/N: HEY GUYS! I Am so so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner. I still do not have full Internet access just so you all know that! I do however have this beautiful little cliff hanger for you! Now let's do some questions shall we?

Q1: Who thinks they know who said that?

Q2: Is Anna getting use to her immortal life which has been terrible foreva!

Q3: Let me know this question, How do you like the book so far?

Anyways, I hope you are all enjoying it! As always, Make sure to leave me a vote and comment telling me what to work on!

Stay awesome Devils and Shadows! I shall see you guys on the other side! Some of you even at school... LOVE YALL! BAI!

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