Chapter 2:

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Nightmares pov.
The old amusment park. The place brought back memories. To many memories.

I start backing away before I feel a hand grab my wrist. I flinch and pull away before relizing who did it. It was James. I could see the concern in his deep brown eyes.

I knew he wanted to know what was wrong with me, But when he saw what this place had done to me he worried even more. I didn't want him to worry so much about me. Whenever I care for someone they usually ended up getting hurt.

I feel my heart ache at the last thought that poped into my mind. It always has to be Ryan. Almost all the time I need comforted my mind will go to my best memories. Those would be with my parents sometimes but most the time they were with Ryan.

I never relized how much I missed Ryan until I came back to this place. But even if I do miss him I still can't go out on a quest to find him. Mark would find out and kill me by the time I got to Ryan...

I start to head back to the cabin before James again stops me. He pulls me to a roller coaster cart and waits for me to start talking. I should have known he wouldn't just let me leave.

" I'm waiting..." States James with a sigh at the end. I look at him with a look like I would die if I told him but he continued to wait for me to tell him.

" Do I really have to tell you?" I ask. He nods his head as I frown even more. " This was a place that I would rather not bring up. Especially since I could have been killed here. Plus I got taken to a mansion I really would rather forget which brings me to a part where I got a cut from a sharp piece of wood giving me a cut and there was the black oze used sometimes to make Pastas which seeped into my wound causing me to already have the stages starting to settle in." I feel tears begin to form in my eyes as I try to continue.

" After I had received the cut like I said the black oze seeped into my cut causing me to be able to heal much faster then a normal human or even pasta. The only problem was that the black oze can affect some people a little diffrently. Some can controll themselves but in my case I went phyco. I tried to kill Ryan but I heard a familiar hum causing me to calm. I fell to my knees and held where my cut would have been. I felt cold after that and had gone unconscious even though Ryan thought I was dead..." At this point I was completly broken down in tears. I didn't want to hurt Ryan like that. I never wanted to hurt him! " I awoke back at slender mansion tied to a metal desk. Slenderman was there and a little girl named Sally. Sally showed me to my room since Aparently my mom had commited suicide and my dad is still MIA till this day. I had no place to stay so Slenderman let me stay there in the mansion. I grew accustomed to the place before..." I stopped. I couldn't continue since the memorie was to painful.

" I'm sorry..." Sadly states James. I continue to stare at nothing before finally starting back towards the evil little cabin we had. After a while I relized that I could just go some other place to relaxe.

I start to go off route. James looks at me funny but still continues to walk with me. I was walking to a place I called my happy place. It was calm there and I could thing things through when I had to.

" By the way James," I say looking down at the forest ground. He looks at me confused for a second. " I accept your apology." James smiles at me before finally reasponds.

" Thanks." He happily says with a giant smile on his face. " Also, where are we going? The cabins the other way you know."

" I know I just wanted to go talk to an old friend I haven't seen for a while." I state with a shrug. She was indeed an old friend. I just didn't relize she had to go on the run since her parents had tried to kill her.

" Who's this old friend you talk about?" Asks James curiously. I smirk smugly.

" Her name is..."

HAI! How's it goin guys? Been a long time since we talked now hasn't it? Well, I thought you guys would enjoy a cliff hanger. I AM SO EVIL! Oh, I also wanted to ask you guys if you saw the distruction a tornado in I think Andelusia. It's pretty bad. I've seen a power line pole and its snapped in half right now so yeah...

Anyways, Make sure to leave a vote! Also tell me what you think about the cliff hanger! This book is really fun to write so far Cx Plus, I couldn't fall asleep last night because of the storm last night which SUCHED! 😰 Guys I litterally died that whole time.

Well, Thats about it I think... Eh, If more comes i'll just say it in the comments... Speaking of comments, I would love you devils so so so so so so much if you were to give me feedback. Just like how my amegos say something like " I love this book to much! XD" or something like " This will be an AMAZING SUPER SWAG FILLED BOOK OF EPICNESS!" oh wait, you sure that wasn't one? Well soon it will be 😈 MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anyways, Enjoy! Dont forget to follow and spread the news of this series by asking your followers or some shit like that!


Peeps to possibly follow Cx

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