Chapter 1 : All over again

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My heart was pounding fast inside my chest, it almost felt as if it was about to leave my body as I struggled to get my eyes open and emerge from that dream one could easily point out as a horrific nightmare; only to be welcomed by the darkness of a room I recalled as mine.

' It was only just a dream ' I tried reassuring myself, trying my best to catch my breath as I sat up straight, noticing that my back was covered in sweat.

As I was making my way to the bathroom I froze in fear. There they were once again, the images of that dream that wouldn't get away. Only this time, I didn't even catch a glimpse of my guild. No. This time I saw my mother.

I could have sworn that I still felt her cold touch lingering in my skin, her pale face and her brown dying eyes looking at me, or better said, through me. Her sweet voice clang rusty in my ears as well as the words she pronounced. Even after the images were gone.

' What is this? ' I asked myself while holding my head in my hands. ' Why now all of the sudden? ' I asked once again, as if I was expecting an answer from the darkness surrounding me.

Things went oddly that day at the guild too. The second I walked in I could feel the stares of everyone in my back, piercing through me quietly as my confidence started falling apart. ' Have I done something? ' I tried to remember rather eagerly as I sat down on the leather bench, placing my had down on the counter.

" Ne Lucy, I had a dream of you " Natsu's voice shouted as soon as he walked in, bringing me back to reality. ' just how much time had I been dazing off? '

My head was feeling dizzy as I dragged my legs to the bathroom; maybe some clear water would help ease my mind. ' It was just a dream, get over it already.' The cold water felt refreshing, yet did little to wash away the images flashing through my brain. There was simply no explanation for it; it had all felt too real.

Water kept gushing through sink as I looked up into the mirror to meet my reflection but I was surprised, for my reflection wasn't the one staring back at me.

" Mother? " I asked in confusion, feeling whole body tensing up as I looked into her eyes, desperately trying to find the answers I seeked. Sadly, I was once again deceived, as the reflection showed me what I had seen in my dreams, a few hours ago:

Debris and Death; The end of it all.

The bodies of those I considered my friends and family were laying on top of each other, lifeless. Natsu, Gray, Erza, my mother, gramps... They were all dead.

They seemed to have been this way for a while now, but blood kept gushing out of their corpses regardless; the thick substance gathering at the bottom in some sort of puddle and on top of it all, stood a figure. Looking right back at me. Creeping right through me.

"What did you do?" My voice broke in tears at the horrible sight in front me as I repeated myself louder, screaming at the damned reflection stuck in the mirror. " What on earth did you do? "

" Everything okay there? " Someone asked worriedly from the other side of the door, knocking but I couldn't bring myself to reply. Not after noticing what I did next.

The shadow, the figure standing on top of everything and everyone I've ever loved or cared for, was no other than myself. A creepy darker version of me, smiling wickedly, lurking, waiting. " I'd ask you the same question. " Her voice, mine. It whispered to me in my head, sending shivers down my spine as I clinged to the bathroom sink strongly in order to keep myself standing. Sure that my legs couldn't do so whilst shaking uncontrollably.

" Lucy, seriously, are you okay? " There were several voices gathered outside now but I was unable to reply, even if I wanted to. Fear had taken me hostage as I let myself fall to the floor, hugging my legs tightly. " There's no way- What did I do? " I mumbled to myself, crying.

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