Chapter Ninteen.

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We just finished lunch and get ready for afternoon classes. Everyone splits off and we all go to our separate lockers. Hayes and I get to my locker and a freshman aged girl comes up to us. She ignores me and talks to Hayes. He looks at me and looks back at the girl. "I think your really cute, and I look up to you as a role model because of how good you are in school." She says looking up at his face. "Uh, thanks. I appreciate the truth, but please don't try to hit on me again. I have a girlfriend and she's standing right next to me." Hayes replies. She looks at me and gives me a dirty look and she walks away. He puts his attention back on me and his locker.

"Are you okay beautiful?" Hayes looks in my eyes. "Yea, I'm completely fine, I'm glad that you handled it like that." I say with a smile. We grab our stuff for class and hug (we don't want to kiss yet in school in front of school kids). I meet up the girls and we go to class. "Today, we are going to start a clay project. It's going to turn out to be a small vase/cylinder." Mr. Thomas said to the class. The girls and I look at eachother and we smile. "I'm so happy that it's finally a clay project." Arianna says happily.

We grab our clay slabs, utensils and shirts (to wear in order not to get real clothes dirty). We all sit down and start. After a while we out everything away as class ends. We go to our lockers and grab our stuff for 5th hour. I have 5 minutes left and I go to the bathroom really quick. 5th hour ends end the group meets up to go to 6th hour. Since Mrs. Payne is nice I ask her if I can change into my work uniform. She let's me go and I hurry up. After 3 minutes I go back to class and everyone looks at me for a second. I walk a little faster and sit down.

School ends and Arianna drives me to work. I thank her and walk in. I sign in and Mr. Conner tells me I have to work on register. The first people that I check out is Ceces parents. They tell me that they are happy I got the job and pay for their stuff. They walk out and seem to be in a hurry. I go to the end of the check out lane and stand there until I have more customers. I check out more people and wait for a couple of more customers. After checking the last 2 customers, Mr. Conner had me go stock the craft and arts section and fix the children's clothes section. I finish doing that and I sign out of work (i worked from 2:45-6:00). I then wait for my parents and Alex to come get me. We head home and eat dinner (chilli).

After dinner I get out my math homework (20 problems) and do them. It takes me about 30 minutes to do them and I grab a book and go to the living room. We watch t.v. for 20 minutes and we go to dairy queen to get dessert. We all end up getting medium ice cream cones. Alex and I got twist dipped in sprinkles and our parents got vanilla dipped in sprinkles. We sit down and eat the ice cream and we go home. We go home and play yatzee. I get ready for bed and I put Hayes' clothes in my bookbag.

I wake up and get ready for school. I get completely done and my mom drives me to school. I walk in and open my locker. Hayes walks up to me and I hand him his clothes. "Finally, I thought you were going to keep them forever." He teases. I chuckle and we head to the cafeteria for breakfast. He grabs my food and carries it for me. We finish that and he grabs my hand to walk to class. Again, more dirty looks towards me but some smiles from our friends.

We get to class and Mr. Robbins tells us to choose new spots. Hayes sits right next me in the back of the classroom. I feel relieved knowing that noone will be able to look back at us contantly. We smile at each other and the bell rings.

**Skip to last hour**

I tell Hayes that I have today off so if he wants he can come over and hang out. He says yes and class starts. Mrs. Payne tell us that we are going to read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. (I love this book, because it has a lot of meaning.) Some of us groan while some of us smile. Class ends and Hayes and I go to my house and walk in the front door. My mom hugs us both and my dad hugs me and shakes Hayes' hand. We both sit at the table and do homework. At about 3:55, Alex got home from school (5th grade this school year). He runs to both of us and hugs us. He then goes to the bathroom and comes back out to do his homework. On some of the problems/questions he askes us for some help.

At about 7:00 Hayes got a call from his mom and she asked him to come home. So he kissed me and hugged every one bye and left. This time both of my parents chimed in with me and told him to call when he got home. 20 minutes later he did.(It's Thursday now.)

** This is the longest chapter so far, so I hope you enjoyed. Keep voting liking and commenting though please. Thank you. **

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