Chapter 1-kidnapped

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August's POV...

I looked down at my beautiful baby girl's.Alexis and Alexa, who's 2 years old right now. I'm never letting them out of my sight. Their moms out of their life cus she wanted a abortion and never paid attention to them, but yet years lata, she has a 3 year old son who she shows all her love to, which means she was cheating on me with my nigga kyren (Instagram: kyng_kyren). He got a son named kyng who's adorable. He look jus like his daddy. But right now I'm chillin wit Chris, trell,Trey,tyga, and wiz....

I woke up two both of my girls crying and screaming hard. I ran out of my room to see a female taking them and running out of the house. I ran out too but she was already in the car that was a all black Mercedes Benz. I jumped in my car and followed them while I was following them, drifting and shit, I called all my niggas and they was out in a heart beat. I saw them surround the car, so we were all in a car circle. We got out the car and started for the car but the person crushed trells cacar by running over it and got away.

Me:"What the fuck man?!?!"

Them: "Aug chil, we got this....

14 years later...

I've been thinkin bout suicide ever since my daughter's got kidnapped. They was my everything. I shut every out, dressed in all black wit my hood over my head and my head down. Why? Cus I let my daughter's down. They ain't ever gonna see their daddy again. There wit that bitch that stole them, which was, now that I think about it, their mom. Oh shit!! They're probly bein abused right now. Cus of me. My shattered phone started ringing.I haven't talked to anyone in 13 years...I was 16, now I'm 29.I swear on God when I find that bitch, it's gonna be hell...I picked up the phone and it was Chris.

Me:"*clears throat*" hello?"

Chris:" Wow, you actually picked up. "

Me: "Stfu before I hang up on yo ass."

Chris: "Damn my nigga,I was just kidding. I wanted to know if you would go to the mall with me."

Me: "Ion know mannnnn."

Chris: "Pleeeeaaassseee."

Me:"What the fuck ever, wut time? "

Chris: "How bout now?" He sung.


Chris: "Coo now hurry up and get in the car."

Me: "Nigga you already here?!"

Chris: "Uh yeh."

I hung up and walked out the door and in hih car.

Me: "Wut if... I wasn't ready?"

Chris: "I would've dragged you out the house." He said drivin.

Me: Wut if I said no?"

Chris: "I would've dragged you out the house." This nigga. It was a awkward silence till Chris said

Chris: "You do know your daughter's are 16 right?" Shit.

Me:"No. "

Chris: "Oh, well they probly found a way to escape or somethin."

Me:"Nah, they probly gettin abused by their mom. "

Chris: "What you mean their mom?"

Me:"I realized there mom was the one that took em. "

Chris: "Yeh but how you know that for sure."

Me: "Cus nigga right before we broke up she said she's gon get them soon, that was after we went to court and the judge said that there mine. I always thought she was jus mad that she didn't get full custody, I thought wrong." I said shaking my head looking out the window.

Chris: "We are gonna get them back, you here me?" He said pulling up to the mall.

Me: "Right." We hopped out the car and headed in the mall.

Chris: "Let's go to the Jordan store first." He said following some yungins with a confused as hell face.

Me: "*laughs*Chris,really."He jus sucked his teeth and followed them in the store. He went over and talked to them and hugged both of them.*chuckles* pervert. He holded both in them by their hands and came up to me.

Girl's:" Dad!! " I was shocked and confused. Then I looked at their faces and we all broke down cryin, except not too loud cus people will stare at us. I pulled away and said

Me: "Who are you guys living with?" They looked at each other and looked down.

Girl's: "Mom. . ."

Me: "Oh, well not no more yall are gonna live wit me and were moving out of here. Yall don't have no trackers right?"

Girls:"Daaaaad!!No!" They laughed."But are clothes are at the house." They said frowning.

Me:"Aye!aye there ain't gonna be no more frowning with me,ok? Yall gonna have smiles on the whole time,..... Unless you're.. Um."

Girls: "Dad!" They said laughing.

Me: "Ok,ok, but as for the clothes and shoes... We are at the mall." Their eyes widened.

Me: "Yall haven't been to the mall haven't you." Shook their heads no.

Me: "Carnival, fair?"

Shook their heads no.

Me: "Have you at least been to a restaurant?!"

Girl's: "Yeh, but we wouldn't be able to order anything (Alexa) except water (Alexis)." I was mad.

Me: "Well wut bout kyng?"

Alexis: "Since she's with kyren she does anything for kyng."

Alexa: "Yeh,kyng and kyren would try to change her mind or give us things but she won't let them."

Alexis: "All I'm worried about is if kyren gets married to her and then they divorce and she gets full custody of kyng, and abuses him." Alexa nodded in agreement.

Me: "Well let's not think about that right now." I gave each a black card. They looked shocked.
And then started freaking out and jumped on me almost made fall on the floor. Chris stood there taking everything in.

Me: "Guys, this your godfather Chris. He's the one that made this right here happen." Then the girls jumped on him and he fell on the floor cus he zoned out.

Chris: "Huh?"

Girl's: "Thanks godfather Chris for saving us!"

Chris: "No problem lil bits." They helped him up and I said.

Me:"First stop Jordan store." They looked at each other and smirked and immediately started picking out Jordan's. I looked down at there shoes and I was like... WUT ARE THOOOOOOSSSSSEEEE!?!?!!
in my head of course.

Really Aug? Whatever,that was chapter 1. Please



And tell me what you think

Yo gurl, diam0sw00sh

Lost and then found -an august alsina  daughter storyWhere stories live. Discover now