Chapter 1

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Okay guys Feed back is appreciated here. also its late so i havent had time to compeltly edit or rewrite a few setences here and there. If you have any ideas on who should play the characters feel free to comment and any ideas on where you would like to see the headed would be great....

I know some parts are slow but things will heat up.


P.S. Guys I have done some editing. Chapter 5 is where the editing stops. I had to rewrite a few things and take somethings out. I felt it wasnt right so here is an update. Sorry its taken so long but college has been kicking my butt. As always i will appreciate feed back


Here I am at another school, in a different city, under a different name. Why? You may ask. Well the simple answer is I am a 150 year old vampire who can control the elements. In my world having extra powers is extremely rare and lots of older vamps would love the opportunity to get their hands on me. So here I am again in another school pretending to be a 17 yr old senior. I have been here for 3 years and in just a little while i will have to pick up and leave for another high school in a different city.

Today started as any other day. I got up, got a cup of blood , went and took a shower. After my shower i got dressed in my low rise jeans, blank v-neck tank top, and black dc shoes. I left my hair down, falling into natural waves and did my eye shadow in browns and golds with the smokey eye affect. As I headed towards school, my gut started to tell me i should turn around, go home, pack and leave for somewhere else far, far away from here. I couldn't believe how strong this feeling was.  

As i made it too school i grabbed my i-pod and sun glasses and put them on. Even though I know lots of the humans here and most of those people would consider me a friend, to me, there were acquaintances, something to pass the time in another city.  But today I did not want to be talkative or be around people. This feeling that I should be running was growing stronger with every second. When i walked up to quad, I sat with my normal people. One reason for sun glasses is I could easily scan the area without anyone noticing.

The bell finally rang and as i headed towards class with my friends rambling on about what ever they were doing after school. I felt eyes on me. It's an unnerving feeling but i couldnt see anything out of the ordinary. Finally inside of class, I took my normal seat in the back with my friend Cat. 

"Is something wrong? You haven't been your normal self this morning." she asked sounding worried.

Cat was always a nice girl and didnt get hung in things like clicks. Cat has red hair, green eyes with a petite frame. 

"Ya i'm just not feeling well is all" i responded seeing the conern in her eyes. 

"Good morning class. I trust you all have finished your assignments that i handed you last week so please pass them forward." Ms. Robin's said. 

The uneasiness now is almost unbearable and right as i was about to ask if i could go to the nurses so that way i could just leave with out being noticed, a guy walks through the door. I swear if i had been human, my heart would have stopped just by looking at him. I highly doubt I would need to be a vampire to tell he was one of my kind. Everyone was just staring at him including the teacher who looked like she was a deer caught in headlights.

He was tall, pale and in no doubt perfect shape. He had dark hair, that slightly fell into his face with the lightest golden brown eyes and the most perfect lips i had ever seen. He was too beautiful, to beautiful to be human.

He handed the teacher, who looked like she was just barely able to unthaw as he handed her piece of paper she would no doubt have to sign. He looked up as he searched for an open seat and noticed the only open seat right next to me. He then met my eyes and smirked liked he knew something i did not. Just my luck i thought as he took the only seat. 

By now my nerves were completly shot and I'm kicking myself for not listening to my head earlier. I looked over at him and regretted it immediately. He was already looking at me and our eyes met. I tried to look away as i got caught peeping but something in his eyes wouldnt release me. 

He head started to swim as images were brought to the forefront most part of mind. I was brought to a different time.


I was bleeding from pain. My baby blue bodice was cut in places and my fully domed skirt was shreded and well as the three layers beneath. I felt something wrap around me and thought "please no more pain....just let him finish me."

He slowly lifted me up and I could still feel the life draining from me. The mystery man kept murmering something to low for me to hear or i was just so out of it from pain that i was comprehending.

I got a sudden adrenaline boost feeling the wind fly around me. We were going way to fast. Feeling the wind catch my hair i decided to see who my captor was. I had just enough strength to look in to his inhumanly beautiful face."Lilly...." teacher called trying to get my attention but me and this guy were locked still in our gazes.

He hair was long but dark, the fringe slightly falling into those wonderfully golden brown eyes.....


"LILLY!" the teacher finally called louder as i was snapped back to attention.

"Y-yes ms. robins" as i stammered feeling completly flushed and idiotic.

"Eyes forward from now on unless you or Damon would like to share what you are so interested with." she said coldly.

I simply nodded fearing i might call her something like bitch. God i hate teachers sometimes, they can be so degrading. The day went by so slow and what do you know, he ended up being in all my classes. Coincidence...I dont think so.

My mind kept thinking back to those eyes. He was my creater but how did i end up with Addison? Addison was my creater, taught me everything. But if Damon was my creater that would explain why Addison and I could never do things that creator and progeny should be able to do like feel eachothers mood and talk telepathically.

I felt like i was a vampire that wasn't turned right. What vampire doesnt have a bond with their creator unless one of them died? Mix that with me having powers and you guess it, I'm a freak.

Even with the threat feeling, my body was responding wierd to his presence. Normally I assess the threat, figure out if its fight or flight. But now im just nervous and scared and cant make up my mind what to do.

Fighting was out of the option. I could tell he was an older vampire and much stronger. The only thing i had on him would be my use of elements. For some reason I cant bring myself to run and fighting was definately not an option. I might have the use of elements but he was stronger and faster cause he was older.

So i stayed and finally lunch rolled around and here he is strolling up with Luke, Chris, Mike and Nate, the stars on the football team. All the guys gathered round the girls. Our table was a bunch of couples and im the only single one unless someone is breaking up or shaking up with another one. Dont you just love teenage hormones. But in this situation leaves me paired up with Damon.....

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