Chapter 3

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Okay people im giving fair warning in this chapter. There is sexual content in this chapter as well as violence. Parental supervision is advised. Also i would love feed back on the story as well any ideas on where you guys would love to see where it goes. and how do you think fits the character descriptions best. also its late and i havent had a chance to fully revise all the chapters. I will do that tomorrow. So if you notice any changes that it why.



I simply nodded as he sat back down on the one chair in the room.I didnt care if this was going to be wierd, i was too damn thirsty at the moment so I climbed onto his lap facing him. He moved his head to the left side for me and i nuzzed my way into the crook of his neck.

I felt my fangs elongate slightly and then i pierced his skin trying to make it as painless as possible. As I bit down his hands automatically found the small of my back pushing me into him. I tasted his sweet blood and it was the most amazing thing i have ever tasted. 

His hands found there way to under the hem of my shirt and as i was drinking his blood he started rubbing gentle circles on my back making a shiver go down my body. His hands felt amazing on me and i wished he would continue father on. His hands made there way to my bra clasp.

Just as he was about to do undo my bra something started clicking into place as i remembered when i was changed. I remembered his blood from when i was changeed. This just confirmed it, the eyes, the flash back and the telepathy.

It was Damon I realized as i lept off of him and back into the farthest wall away from him. He looked startled and I guess for once he wasn't reading my mind cause the look of confusion his face wore was now turning into realization of what i had remembered.

Damon was the one who carried my limp body to Addison's cabin out in the woods. It was Damon who drank the rest of blood and then slashed his beautiful wrist and forced his wonderful blood to go down my throat. Damon was my creator and the one who had abondoned me.

"You abondoned me! How could you abandon me?!" i shrieked at him....

I saw the hurt plastered all over his face over at what he had done to me. It wasn't fair. Now I know why Addison never let me drink his blood or why we had never had a bond that was supposed to be between maker and progent.  It now made sense why we could never read each others mind or communicate telepathically.

"Please let me explain" he begged. "It was necessary at the time i had to pro...."


He on the other hand was faster and stoped me before i could get near the door.

"LET ME EXPLAIN!" He commanded and brought my struggle to a halt.

In a defeated tone i said, "That night was the worst night of my life...I was raped and beaten. It was cold and painful and then you turned me and left me with Addison who was never allowed to explain anything. It was Addison who struggled to teach me the ways, Who was never my maker but who always protected me till the day he died. As a matter of fact did you know that's why he died. He died protecting me. It was your job and you failed. I know your going to say it was to protect me and my abilities. I already knew i was a freak. But did you ever think i could fight, i could defend myself. "

I trailed off not knowing what more to say.... 

"No you couldn't have protected your self then and people were after me, I couldn't risk it at the time....."

I nearly yanked the door off the hinges as i escaped. I couldnt listen to him anymore.I ran for a long time. We were up north so i continued to run into the wilderness. I found a nice little clearing to where i could rest and have time to think.

There has to be a reason why he did what he did but i was too angry to stay and find out. Why save someone just to abadoned them. Okay well he didnt really abandon me cause when i woke up from the change Addison was there. He was a great man. Brown hair and blue eye, soft smile and tall. He took care of me until he was killed protecting me. I hadn't developed my powers well enough to use them on command yet and i couldn't do anything but run.

It was all my fault he died. I should have stayed there and fought alongside him. 

"No you shouldn't have cause then you both would be dead" he said flatly.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when i heard his voice. 

"Go away" i said in a sad, defeated tone.

"No..." he responded in a dry tone.

Tears streaked my face and ruined my eye liner and mascara. Right then it started to rain, and not like drizzle but full on pouring. Oh well there went my clothes as well. I finally stood up and faced him. His face still was the mask of hurt and pain.  

"Please just let me explain before you judge me. You need answers and i need you." he said in a desperate plea trying to talk over the rain.

I didnt get nearly enough blood earlier and between the exertion of running and the emotional exertion, i felt drained. He saw it though and it looked like he was going to pick me and carry me back to the hotel room but he doubted if she should touch me.

"Why should I? I should leave you as you left me. Give you the same hurt."

"Dont you think it hurt to leave to you? I could always feel you, i felt your hurt, embarrassment and hurt as all the people you ever cared for died or betrayed you... I wanted to kill anyone and everyone who hurt you. I felt it was finally time to where i could come here and be here but then i found out what your little ex was up too and was once again cleaning up your mess" he sneered at me.

"You clean up my mess. Ya right! Addison helped me clean up messes, if i were to get into any, so what the hell are you talking about. I have a cleaner record then you. I have never killed anyone. I dont have innocent blood on my hands, unlike some!" i said hoping to push his buttons.

"Innocent blood?" He questioned me.

"Yes innocent blood. You can't tell me you have never killed an innocent or even another vampire, cause i damn well know you have."

We were drenched by now both of our clothes hanging low as the water clung to the fabric. He stepped forward and came right to my face.

"I have never killed an innocent only ones who deserved it. You are not one to judge me little one." i flinched at his tone.

"Really cause as far i can remember, your the one who ended my life. Your the one who chose this for me. I was innocent!" i screamed with pure venom and anger in my voice.

This time he flinched but nodded and turned to leave but he stopped and said "I couldn't loose you. I knew from the moment i saw you, you were special. It was never my intent to do it the way i had."

 "But you were intending on doing it." i stated back and watched his shoulders sag in defeat.

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