Chapter 7 PART 3

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Marissa's POV

I was crying too much. Maybe it's cause I'm drunk. I don't know. I don't even know what's going on, everything is so crazy and moving so fast and I'm scared and I can't comprehend everything at this pace.

I know that Kayla changed me. Kalin in laying with me right now. He rubs my back as I finally start to stop crying and I try to wipe my tears so he doesn't see them which is stupid and pointless because obviously I've been crying and still am.

I look up at him.

"You okay now?" He asked me with concern, still rubbing my back.

I couldn't make words to come out of my mouth so I just shook my head.

He sighed and turned on Netflix.

I looked around.

"H-how'd you get in here?" I looked around with slight anger because this is supposed to be a secret.

"Calm down Marissa, Kayla told me about it and opened it because she didn't want you to be anywhere else so she opened it however it opens and then told me to bring you in here because you'd be safe. She told me to stay with you because she had to go make sure everything was okay downstairs." I just nod and turn on Courage the Cowardly Dog.

As we were watching it, about 10 minutes or so into the second episode, Kayla came in and I smiled up at her slightly.

She comes and sits down on the other side of me but I move so that they're sitting closer to each other and I lay with my head on Kayla's lap and my legs on Kalin's lap.

I could tell that they were whispering to each other but I didn't pay attention close enough to tell what it was about.

Kayla's POV

I started playing with Marissa's hair as she watched Courage The Cowardly Dog.

"How was she while I was gone?" I whispered to Kalin and looked up at Him.

"A mess. She cried to whole time. She finally stopped and I turned this on for her about 40 minutes or so before you came in here."

I sighed and looked down at her sadly as I played with her hair. I didn't realize that she cried that long. I thought she would've stopped a long time ago.

"Thank you. For helping me with all of this. Connor took Myles to his house with him."

"That's good. And no problem babe. I know that she's your bestfriend, but she's my little sister. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her."

Aww, he's so cute. I'm glad that they're so close. She needs somebody like him. I know that Marissa has me and the rest of the girls, but she needs a guy like that and I'm glad that it's Kalin. He's like that with Lala too and it's the cutest thing ever.

He may act like a total bitch at times, but he's my little cute bitch.

I look down to see that Marissa finally fell asleep.

I smile in relief. I text the girls and tell them to make sure that everybody gets out soon since it's almost 3 in the morning.

I yawn as me and Kalin fall asleep like this with Marissa in our laps

The next day

Marissa's POV

I woke up with a killer headache and all alone in my bed. I slowly got up and checked the time; 3:25 pm

Holy shit. Did I really sleep all day?

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I did my business and looked in the mirror.

I looked like complete and utter shit. Makeup all over my face, tear stains everywhere which caused the makeup mess, my hair looks disastrous.

I sighed and dragged myself down to the kitchen to see how bad the party got.

When I got down there, I didn't see a mess. It was completely spotless.

I was confused. It was a mess before.. Everything happened last night.

As I was about to walk into the kitchen, I se Kayla walk in the door with her arms full of things.

"Oh you're up finally! Did you just wake up? Oh that doesn't matter. You're up now!" She smiled and set everything that was in her arms, down on the kitchen counters.

"I'm guessing that you're wondering why the house is so spotless clean? Well thanks to your two favorite people, me and Kalin, we cleaned all this morning. We were hoping that you were gonna wake up earlier cause Kalin really wanted to take me and you out to iHop, but you didn't so we just made pancakes and bacon here. I left around 1:30 to get stuff"

She started setting things out of the bag.

"I got junk food, smart waters, frozen pizzas, toilet paper because you're all out after last night, condoms because why not" I giggled and shook my head at her and I grabbed a smart water and took a sip after opening it. I brought the toilet paper to the bathroom then came back into the kitchen

"More junk food, some Powerade and Gatorade, ibuprofen for hangovers, some Thai Tea because it's our favorite. And Panda Express for dinner!" I smiled widely and hugged her.

"Thank you Kayla, for everything, really. You're my bestfriend, but this is so much, you really didn't have to do all of this for me. Especially clean the house."

"But I did! Because you're my bestfriend. Last night was... Well, we wont even talk about that. But remember to thank Kalin. He was a big part in all of this too. He's with some of the guys right now. But come on! Up to our secret place for another girls night. And don't worry about your sister Georgi, she's at that sleepover. It was supposed to be last night but the girl's mom changed it to tonight which is why she was with her other friend Andie last night.

I nodded as we grabbed everything we needed and went up to the secret place, and a girls' night is exactly what we had.

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