Chapter 7- I'm coming for you Alesa you too Mason

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"Oh my God, Adam." Jess whispered and grabbed my arm and tugged a bit.

"Come on, let's get out of here." She whispered. I yanked my arm away. The bathroom was covered in blood, and guts but strangely no body. I walked in shakily. I looked down on the ground and picked up a necklace I got Alesa a while back. My vision clouded with tears and a lump formed in my throat again. I shoved the necklace in my pocket and stood up.

"Adam...let's go." I heard Jess say softly. My hand formed a fist, I let out a yell of anger and hurt and punched the wall. I heard something like paper fall. I whipped my head over at the sound and saw a letter. My eyes widened, I snatched it up and ripped it open and scanned over the letter.


Things got bad not too long after you left, it took just a few hours and the village was invaded. It was just a couple at first and then just minutes later a whole horde of them attacked. I tried to hold out praying that you'd be back soon but, as you said you'd be gone a while, I knew this is what you would have wanted, I got all the supplies together and I'm currently on my way to a village known as Aberdeen Falls. I heard it's a safe place, it should be a while north. I'm going to try and get there.

I figure you'll come back, in fact I know you'll come back, so I left this letter. Oh and excuse the mess in the bathroom, I had a...visitor. I left a medic kit behind in case you need it, along with food and water. I'll see you soon, I love you.


I sighed in relief and leaned my head against the wall. I wiped my eyes clear of tears and managed to relax a bit. Barney is headin' to Aberdeen Falls, they'll find each other and I can trust Barney enough to care for Alesa until I get there. I chuckled a bit.

"I'll see you soon." I mumbled like she could hear me. I turned to Jess she had a look of concern on her face. I handed her the letter she smiled at me after reading it.

"Well, no need to keep her waiting. Same with Ross." She said. I nodded. We ran downstairs, got the supplies and hurried out of the house.

"Oh crap my gun!" Jess cursed and ran back inside I held the door open, urging her to hurry.

"Drop your supplies." I heard behind me. I turned slowly. Someone I didn't know stood on the wall a gun pointed at my head.

"Do you really wanna do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, I heard the safety click off.

"If you shoot that thing, you'll alert every walker in this village. Do you really wanna do that?" I asked.

"Shut up and drop your supplies." He ordered again.

"No." I stated calmly. He aimed the gun at my head and fired it. I moved the side a step and pulled a gun from my belt loop and pointed it at him. He did the same.

"You idiot!" I scolded. "You just alerted every walker in this village to this direction."

"Who cares? You're the one who will get attacked." He smirked. I glared.

"I have a wife and a child that I need to find." I told him.

"Don't pull that, anyone in this village that was here during the attack, is dead." He laughed. It took everything inside of me to not pull that trigger right then and there.

"She's pregnant!" I yelled.

"And who's fault is that?" He asked. This time I pulled the trigger and missed his head by a hair, I only nicked his cheek. He stumbled and held his cheek cursing up a storm. I grabbed his leg and pulled him over the wall. He yelped. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. I used my other hand to pin the gun to his head.

"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME! I DARE YOU!" I yelled. He seemed truly frightened. He didn't speak just struggled to grab his gun that he dropped. Jess ran out.

"Adam what-" She stopped talking when she saw the guy, or should I say kid, he's like 14.

"L-Look man I, I was just hoping you'd back down. I-I-" He kept stuttering. I pressed the gun further to his temple.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for supplies." He swallowed. "M-My dad he's hurt, my mom we had to put down and my sister is sick. I-I just needed supplies, I was desperate." I stared right into his eyes, mine were covered by my glasses but I was glaring.

"Don't lurk around where you don't belong, kid." I spat and let go of him roughly. Jess grabbed my arm and pulled me away. The kid stood up slowly and grabbed his stuff.

"We need out supplies too, we have an injured friend that needs this medic kit or he'll...he'll die. And my friend here needs to find his wife. This place is infected, but if it helps there's a town around 50 miles north of here known as Aberdeen Falls, we've heard it's a safe place, you could get food and medicine." Jess told him. He perked.

"Really? Thanks so much. My name is William by the way." He introduced.

"I'm Jess and my friend here is Adam, also known as Sky." She introduced me.

"You're Sky?" William looked at me. I nodded.

"Oh man, I'm sorry I didn't meant to-I didn't know you were-"

"Whatever. In times like this it's every man for himself, survival of the fittest in this world I'm not a grand slayer. I'm not a highly ranked officer, I'm a simple guy trying to survive like anyone else." I told him. I heard a groan and peeked around the corner several zombies were on their way. I grabbed my knife.

"Follow me." I told them both. I started running behind the houses, jumping fences and going through hedges. They followed close behind. I held my stuff close and Jess took the back to kill off any walkers that got close. We reached the gate and made it out alright.

"You should go find your family." I told William. "We need to get going." I stated.

"Thanks for everything." He smiled and ran off.

"Who was that?" Jin asked curiously.

"A kid." I stated and handed Jess the medic supplies. She got to work on Ross's injuries, he began to wake up as she did.

"H-hey guys." He whispered. I gripped his shoulder.

"Hey Ross, don't worry you're gonna be okay." I told him gently.

"Wh-where?" He whispered.

"We're at Adam's village, don't worry buddy." Jin told him. Jess continued to wrap his wounds, as Ross groaned in agony.

By the time Jess finished Ross was out cold again, and it was growing dark. We mounted our horses and started riding again, straight North, hoping that we'd find the village with Alesa and Barney there alive.

I'm coming for you Alesa, you too Mason. 








Luv ya peeps!


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