chapter 1

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It's the summer of 2015, in 1 month i go into my senior year. the fact that im the only 18 year old who probably hasnt dated is sad.

it may not seem like a big deal, but in this school it is. I was currently on way home from the mall.

"Soo come in quickly" my mom called out by the door. As i go in she calls the family together for a meeting. "alright, so tomorrow we are going to attend my friends son birthday party. so please be dressed an ready by 6" she says. me and Woozi groan. My moms friend is so stuck up, and dont even get me started on her son, Vernon.


*skip to 5 pm

Only 1 hour left until the party starts, might as well get ready now. I look for some black pants and a casual shirt. Its  a simple party so ill wear a simple outfit. i dont really wear make up because its too expensive so i just wash my face and head downstairs waiting for the rest of the family.

6 PM

The car ride was very quiet, Woozi was falling asleep and i had my earphones in. As we arrived and entered i saw Vernon waiting and smirking as if he knew i was coming. Let me tell you whats up with Vernon and I. When we were in grade school i had the biggest crush on Vernon but he always hated me. So when he found out he picked on me and till this day he still does. I remind him all the time that im over him, but that doesnt stop Vernon from teasing me about it.

I walk towards Vernon to give him the present my mom chose out. "still cant take your eyes off me, huh?"he says "shut up Vernon, it may be your birthday but doesnt mean ill be nice." i say. 

"Soo i know you still like me, just admit it"

"i said i dont!!but if i did what would you do about it anyways, finally stop talking about it?!!will that get you to shut up?!"

"no but this will"

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