Chapter 3

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i turn to see who had said those words. He was gorgeous , the absolute definition of perfection.

"whats it to you, shes mine so get out of here buddy" Vernon said

"sorry but i think she told you to stop, meaning she doesnt want you to talk to her"

as those words left that boys mouth vernon stood up in anger and left.

"thank you so much, i thought hed never go away"

"no problem, the names Joshua. Wanna hang out after school, if you dont mind"

"i dont mind at all, and mine name is Sooyoung but you can call me Soo."

as school ended i saw that joshua boy sitting outside with keys in his hands.

"hey im here" i said in the most awkward possible way ever

he was so cute how could i not be nervous

"so i was thinking, how about we go get some ice cream then the park?"

i nodded and we left. his car was even really nice, i dont know how i got this lucky but hey i dont mind.

as we walk in the ice cream place joshua holds my hand, i was very surprised because i barely knew the guy and it was weird because my hands were getting sweaty.

he takes me to the other side of the room and there i see 6 more attractive guys.

"soo id like you to meet my friends, this is hoshi, the8, jeonghan, DK, seungkwang, and dino."

i stand there awkwardly waving my hand and trying to figure out why they have such weird names.

they all greet me one by one

"hi im hoshi or as they say the 8:8 of the group" group?

"hi im jeonghan the long haired one"

"hello there im minghao or as they call me, The8" he must be chinese

"wow you are really pretty, hope we get along well *wink* anyways im DK" im a little scared of this guy because boys dont usually tell me these things.

"dont mind him hes always being a flirt, im seungkwang by the way" he seems nice

and lastly a younger looking boy speaks up "im dino the maknae of the group" again with the group? what are they a boy group?

"we are actually trainees at Pledis Entertainment, thats why they keep saying group" joshua says with a smile. i seriously cannot get over this boys face, its so angelic.

"ah i see so um are we gonna get ice cream or...?" omg i make it sound so needy, i have officially failed at life :c.

" yeah lets go soo, then we can head to the park" joshua says so politely

we get our ice cream and head to the park, its really lonely and joshua is getting really close to me as we speak.

"so your mom is a lawyer huh?"

"yeah what about yours?"

"she was a singer but shes retired now" (yo i dont know what joshuas mom does so lets just say this)

he must inherit the vocals somehow

"probably" he speaks out

omg was i thinking out loud

"yes you were" he smiles and looks at me

i chuckle nervously and we sit on a bench

"soo you are a really wonderful girl you know that?"

"oh thank you, you are quite amazing as well joshua"

"i know i barely know you and you barely know me but i feel like ive known you my whole life"


i hope you dont mind but

joshua kisses me, its slow and nice and everything around me feels like it stopped.

"well well what do we have here"

i back away from the kiss and turn to see a mad vernon

"you know just kissing" i say

apparently that made vernon even angrier 

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