chapter 2

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“so what did the doctor acturlly say?” chandler sniffed

Monica wiped the tears from her face “ well she said that it’s very rare that we fall pregnant after all the problems we have come across, but there is a very slight chance something can go wrong” As she ended her sentence monicas smile became a frown as she started to cry, chandler pulled her close to him and hugged her  “everything will be fine, i promise” chandler said as he kisses her head.


Later that night Monica had fell asleep on the couch with the twins in her arms, chandler walked in and gently picked them up, and took them to their cribs, as he walked out he noticed Monica awake now sitting up on the couch he walked over and sat next to her, he turned her face to face his, and he noticed she was crying again “Mon, there is no need to get upset, this baby is going to be a healthy smart baby” Monica smiled as she lent into chandler, chandler put his arm around her and placed his hand on her belly 

“ i know, i know” monica said as she placed her hand on chandlers

“ but what if something does happen, The doctor said its a one in a hundred chance something could happen to the baby, but she also said it was a one in a hundred chance that i would fall pregnant which i did”

chandler wiped the tear slowly drifting down her face “Mon, i promise, nothing will happen to this baby, i promise” chandler said as he put his fore head against Monica’s, Monica smiled and begun to kiss chandler.


The next morning Monica woke up to chandler, Ross, phoebe, Joey and Rachel all sitting at the table eating breakfast while Emma was playing with the twins in the living room, she walked over 

“hey, what’s everyone doing here?” 

“ Mon, we always come over for breakfast on Tuesdays” ross said as he took a bite of his toast

“ Oh, Oh that’s right” Monica said as she looked at the calendar.

“hey Monica are you okay, you weren’t feeling the best the other day” Joey asked as he scooped a big mouthful of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

“ oh Yeah, the doctor said I’m fine” monica said quickly as she looked at chandler. 

chandler called Monica over to the closet

“ aren’t we going to tell them?” chandler said as he smiled

Monica inhaled “no”

“what why?” chandler said quite loudly

everyone looked over “What are you to bickering about now?” phoebe wind.

Monica looked back at chandler “because if something does happen to this baby, i don’t want everyone to be upset as well” Monica whispered.

“ok but mon nothing is goi....” Monica interrupted chandler “there is still a chance, and you know that”

Later on that day, Monica and chandler where at the coffee house, talking about more positive things about their baby.

One in a Hundred- A Monica and chandler storyWhere stories live. Discover now