chapter 13

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*Monica and chandlers apartment*

Chandler was feeding the twins As Monica walked out putting in her ear ring. “Where is everyone I have other things to do today as well”. Chandler wiped Erica’s face “What else do you have to do?” “They called me in to the restraint” Monica said as she let Erica out of her high chair. “What do you mean you’re going to the restraint, I thought we agreed to not work until the baby came?” chandler said as he let jack out. “No they just called me into talk to them” Monica said as she moved a group of boxes into their room. “I’m going to see what’s taking Joey so long” chandler said as he walked out the door to Joey’s apartment.

“Hey Joe, Monica wants you to hurry up” chandler said as he watch Joey read off a piece of paper. “Yeah hold on..What are you saying to try my love?”  Joeys said as he finished rehearsing his lines. “What are you doing?” chandler said as he removed his palm from his face. “I’m rehearsing for a play, could you help me” Joey said as he stood up and passes chandler a copy of the lines. “Joe we really need to...” “Chandler it’s like one line just do it” Joey said cutting chandler off. “What are you saying to try my love?” Joey said passionately. Chandler looked at him confused “This doesn’t make any sense”. “I know, the writer is trying to write a play like William Shakespeare and is making his own kind of language, or something?” Joey said not really knowing who William Shakespeare was. “As in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, because I don’t understand a word they say in that movie” chandler said reading over the lines. “Come on just do it” Joey said as he repeated the line again “what are you saying to try my love” chandler sighed as he said “I’m not alarnia to love thu bitter matarnah love to you to love...Me” chandler said very confused. “What the hell does alarnia mean?” “It means..... Very Strong” Joey said as he looked at the back of his script for the translation. “Okay well go get dressed now before Monica looses her grip” chandler chuckled as he walked out the door.

Chandler walked through the door to see everyone sitting down “Chandler where have you been?” Jason asked. “I was just over telling Joey to get ready” chandler said as he patted Jason on the back as he walked past. “Where’s Monica?” chandler asked scanning the room “she’s in her room” phoebe said as she put down Erica of her lap. Chandler walked into the room to Monica sitting on the floor packing stuff in boxes. “Honey...What you are doing” chandler asked as he helped her up of the ground. “Well I went to pick my shoes up off the floor but I fell over and couldn’t get back up, so I decided to start packing” Monica giggled. Chandler laughed as they walked out the room. Chandler clapped his hands together “so who’s ready to see the new house?”

*chandler and Monica’s soon to be new house*

“Wow” they all chorused as they stepped out of their cars. “It’s so big Mon” Rachel said as she looked up the house. “Yeah there were bigger ones, but they were all in the suburbs” Monica said as she hugged chandler.

They toured throughout the house, as Monica being there tour guide. They walked into the baby’s nursery. “This is going to be the baby’s nursery, it’s going to be pink with a strip of wallpaper along the roof with pink bows on it” Monica said as she smiled and looked at the group. “Wow it’s going to be great aunt Monica” Jason said holding phoebes hand. “Yeah it is Mon” Rachel agreed. “When do youse move in” Ross asked as he scanned the surrounding areas “hopefully by the time the baby’s born so this will be her first home”  monica smiled. “So 2 months”. “Are you going to have enough time to paint the room before the baby comes” Ross said looking over at chandler who was waving his hands around trying to indicate for him to stop talking. “No, we won’t actually, chandler if we want it done we will have to start now” Monica said starting to panic. Chandler removed his hands from his face “It will be done by then I promise chandler said as he rubbed Monica’s back and they all walked out the room. when everyone walked to the next room chandler pulled Ross away from the group “Why did you have to say that? She is going to be up all night worrying about this” chandler said angrily. “Sorry it just came out” Ross said as they walked back to the rest of the group. After they finished touring the rooms they came to the back deck which had a giant pool. “COOL!” Joey and Jason chorused. “Now I don’t have to pay 2 dollars to use the public pool” Joey said excitedly as if he was saving a lot of money.

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