Training Part 2

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Tezuka's POV

We are still practicing with the U-17 members for intense training. I was inbetween Shiraishi and Atobe doing sit ups with everyone else. We were suppose to do at least 100 sit ups and do cross crunches. I looked over to see Reyna and Echizen doing sit ups and cross crunches with us. They were doing even better than we were, which was a bit entertaining. "Is this what they call intense training? This is less than what we do at tennis practice," said Atobe.

Shiraishi chuckled. "There's actually more to this training Atobe-kun! We just don't know what's gonna come at us," he relied back.

Atobe scoffed. "When do we find out? This is to last us the whole summer, you know!"

I spoke next. "Keep up with your attitude and we'll get done for. We must not let our guards down or there will be consequences," I grunted when I did my 70th sit up.

Reyna spoke after that. "Well considering that we'll have a long summer by training at this camp, it will get even more difficult in the next few days," she said.

The others turned to her. "What are you saying?" Oishi asked.

"We have to face each other in practice tournaments and whoever wins stay here in camp whilst the losers will have to leave, it's how the training camp works. The boss sees who has the potential of staying here to get stronger, whilst the losers will have to become even better and stronger before returning to the camp. The high Coach is actually up on a tall mountain to give even more intense training and have to beat whoever is up there to return to camp wearing black jerseys. Since the U-17 members are wearing red jerseys and the winners who defeat the losers get white jerseys. So you have three groups to prove who is worthy enough to get the badges from the red jerseys and take over the courts that they are at," she explained and we were stunned by how much she knows.

Kamio spoke. "How do you know all of this, Reyna-chan?"

She turned to the older Echizen brother and turned to us. "Because Nii-chan and I had been to this camp before," she continued, "when Ryoga left for America, he has a badge that says No. 4. He's in charge of the No. 4 court."

We turned to Ryoga and I spoke next. "Is that true, Echizen?" I asked and Ryoga nodded.

"Hai! It's true, although when we were in America, things didn't turn out too great, did they Nee-chan?" He turned back to Reyna as she looked down and shook her head.

"No, they didn't," she replied back in a whisper.

Something must've happened when they were in America. I should talk to the both of them to get the full story, but I'll wait till it's the right time. I glanced at Shiraishi, Yukimura, Fuji and Atobe. We nodded as a silent promise that we will ask them.


Reyna's POV

I glanced at the boys and noticed that they were having a silent agreement on something. I wonder what they are thinking about? I heard that the training was nearly done for the day and we left the grounds and went to our rooms to get washed up. Ryoma went in for a bath first, then Ryoga and then me. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out of the bathroom and saw Ryoga and Ryoma playing a game on the TV. "What are you guys playing?" I asked and Ryoga glanced at me for a second then returned his attention back to the game.

"Playing a car game of some sort," he replied back.

"Oh alright. I'm gonna get changed and then head to bed. Good night!" I said and walked into my room.

"Good night, Nee-chan!" They both said in unison and I smiled before shutting the door and got ready for bed.


Ryoga's POV

I stopped playing the game and turned to Ryoma. "Want some food from the cafeteria? Kinda hungry," I said as I stood up and let Ryoma play the game.

"Hai, get me whatever you're having, Nii-chan!" He replied back and I left the room.

I walked to the cafeteria and I stopped when I noticed Tezuka, Yukimura, Shiraishi, Fuji and Atobe sitting at a table eating. They looked up and noticed me and Atobe spoke out first. "Ahn! Echizen, perfect timing," he said and I walked over to them feeling confused.

"What's going on? Why are you still up at this late?" I asked as I grabbed food for my brother and I. I walked back up to them and Tezuka motioned for me to sit down in front of him so that I was sitting inbetween Yukimura and Shiraishi.

"We wanted to ask you something about Reyna-chan," said Tezuka.

My eyes widened. "About Nee-chan? Why?" I asked and the boys glanced at each other before Shiraishi spoke up.

"What happened to Reyna when you were in America?" He asked and I sighed as I knew what they wanted to know.

"What do you want to know?" I asked as I knew the answer.

"Did something happen to her back then?" Fuji asked.

I scratched the back of my neck and began to explain the story. "When we were living in America, Reyna-chi was going out with a boy named Byron. He was good to her for the first few months, but then Reyna-chi came home covered in bruises and scratches on her arms and face. She would cry in our bedroom until I had enough and asked her to tell me what had happened. She kept saying that she couldn't tell anyone or she would be in serious trouble, but I knew that I had to do something and face Byron for what he did to my sister. I told him if he had laid another finger on her, I would beat him up, but Reyna stopped me because Byron had an older brother Byodoin, who would cause damage to the both of us, but I didn't care so I gave Byron a warning and then we left America and moved back here, but I had to move away again and left my family behind. That's how I was reunited with Reyna-chi and chibisuke on that cruise and I knew instantly that I had to come back as I had a feeling that something bad would happen to them and I still have that bad feeling right now," I stopped and glanced at the guys as they had shocked expressions on their faces.

"So you had a bad feeling as well?" Shiraishi asked me and I frowned whilst nodding.

"Well I'll be damned," said Atobe.

"What's going on?" I asked and Yukimura explained.

"Shiraishi couldn't sleep that night when I found Reyna-chan on the courts this morning. He said that something bad was about to happen to her and we all felt that feeling and we made a promise that we would help you to protect her because she is our friend and she's important to us," he said and I nodded in thanks.

"We need to keep an eye on her just in case," said Tezuka and Shiraishi and Fuji nodded in agreement.

"Does anyone else know about the story that I've just told you?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Good, keep it between us and chibisuke knows the story as well. So keep that in mind and don't tell anyone else until we know what situation we will be facing," I said and they nodded and we left the cafeteria. I headed to my room and noticed that Ryoma was still up.

"Finally you're back. You took forever!" Ryoma exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Gomen, chibisuke! Here's some food. After we eat, we should crash out since we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," I said and started eating.

Ryoma nodded and ate his food within minutes and we went to bed and crashed out for morning to come.

A/N: that's chapter 25. chapter 26 is in the works now. enjoy :)

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