Chapter 7

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Tucker's POV

Jordan made a base camp inside of the tree, for the time being. It wasn't too bad of a camp, I mean, he was working on a pathway up the tree, and around the tree.
Suddenly, we went back to Mr. Lee's point of view.
He was in a court room, and the judge looked at him dead in the eye.
"So, before the jury makes their final conclusion, there is no recent photos of Jordan Maron, that we can use as evidence?"
He shook his head, and the jury dispersed into another room.

(:)(:)(:)(:)Time Skip(:)(:)(:)(:)

"Mr. Lee, the jury has drawn their conclusion."
He looked up, sadness lacing his expression.
"Mr. Lee, you are NOT guilty."
"WHAT!" All four of us yelled in perfect sync.
"Eleven years of abusing a child, and he gets away with it?" I question.
"We're gonna track this guy down and give him A PIECE OF OUR MINDS!" Tom snaps, clearly infuriated.
"What?! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Now, Mr. Lee. If we find any evidence against you, or someone wishes for a retrial, please, alert Sheriff Smith, and the same jury will be called, and all defenses will be brought."
"If we ever go to Jordan's home town, I know what we're doing." Wag says.
"Thank you! Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me!" He says, shaking everyone's hands gleefully.
"A non-stop search for Jordan Maron will be commenced, since he is still missing. If he wishes for a retrial, it shall be done without hesitation. Courtroom dismissed."
Mr. Lee left, and went into an alleyway, alone, and said to himself, "I got away with it... 11 years of abusing the kid. And I, got away with it!" He laughs, and as it goes on, it turns in a psychotic laugh.
"THE JURY MADE A MISTAKE!" Wag exclaims.
"You're telling me?" Sonja continues.
The camera angle goes back to Jordan, who is finishing off his house, with his slime, Jerry, on his shoulder.
"This, has probably been the safest I've been in so long. If not 11 years, my whole life." He says, grinning at Jerry.
He looked out on the land below him, happy about his decision of running away.
"Isn't it crazy how 3 days ago I was in the custody of a lunatic? Of a person who wanted me dead? Hope he's in jail." He mutters, going up the trail of stairs, and into a bedroom, and passing out immediately.

Jordan's POV

"The Shadows...?" I say, uncertain.
"Hello, Jordan. Don't you LOVE what I did to your friends? How I'm now, suddenly in control of their minds, what they see, and there's nothing you can do about it?"
"You are sick. No one would do this, no, this is a nightmare! I'm dreaming. I have to wake up. I need to."
"This is no dream, Jordan. Yes, indeed, it is a nightmare. Isn't it one of your biggest fears?"
"Listen... you let them go, or else thing's are going to get bloody."
"Hmm? How could someone like you, so weak, do any damage to me?"
"SHUT UP! Isn't it bad enough that you have my friends held hostage in a coma for who knows long?"
"It's actually one of my best dreams, for me."
"I'll do anything, anything! To get them out of the coma. Anything..."
"Ooh! You choose, full submission to me, ignoring Ianite, Dianite and Mianite, or allow me to kill you how ever I want."
"No... this is useless... they aren't coming back any time soon..." I mumble.
"Glad you finally understand the situation."
"They are going to come out, and when they do, nothing's going to be the same."


Good. Good good.
I hid something EXTREMELY WELL.
Guess what it is! It's in this chapter, and this chapter only!
Hint: 5.

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