Chapter 4

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Wag's POV

Mr. Lee eventually stopped, and left the room, grumbling something inaudible, leaving Jordan in a fetal position.
"What did I do to deserve this? There has to be something good come after this... maybe I'll find a friend in school, maybe I'll get a pet, maybe..." Jordan whispered to himself, and attempted to go asleep.
"Who else feels bad for him?" Tom asks.
"I do." Sonja, Tucker and I say in sync.
When he woke up, he crawled out of bed, fixed his glasses and hair, then went downstairs, slowly.
"Mornin', kid." Mr. Lee grumbled.
Jordan responded quietly, "Good morning."
Mr. Lee glared at Jordan, stood up from the couch, and tower above him.
"Listen, kid. I don't care the rules you used to live by in your old house. You're in my house, now. You are going to respond loudly when I talk to you. You're going to do whatever I say, or else. Hear me?" Mr. Lee commanded.
"Yes, Mr. Lee." Jordan responded, looking up at him.
"Good. Don't you have to go to school tomorrow?"
"Yeah..." Jordan answered.
"There are some supplies in the closet. Pick out the stuff you need."
Jordan nodded, looking at him still.
"Scram. Go get the crap you need." He spat, glaring at Jordan.
"This went on for years, him yelling at Jordan, disrespecting him, and beating him." The narrator spoke.
"Let's fast forward, shall we?" The narrator spoke.
Jordan woke up, in his room.
But, he was 16. 11 years living with Mr. Lee, hurting him. Breaking him down.
"Good morning, kid." Mr. Lee slurred, giving him an evil grin.
"Good morning." Jordan fully replied, not looking at him, as he opened the fridge to grab something to eat.
"You always talk about you havin' a silver lining coming your way. Ever since you were 7. It isn't coming. You don't deserve one." Mr. Lee commented.
Jordan ignore him, grabbing a yogurt out of the fridge.
"You're just like your mom and dad combined. You look like your dad, people could mistake you for him. He classified as a handsome man. You're identical. You have you mom's personality. Not willing to give up."
Jordan looked at him, confused.
"And I hated them both. They deserve to be dead. Shows em' who's right."
Jordan held his breath, going to grab a spoon.
"And you know what?" Mr. Lee said, holding a knife to Jordan's throat.
"I hate you more than I ever hated them. You should've died in the explosion. Who would want to save you?"
"This went on for 11 years?" Tom questioned.
"Apparently so." I say, in complete awe.
"Scram kid. Hope you never come back." Mr. Lee said, pushing him out the door.
Jordan quickly rushed to school, and went he stepped onto the property.
"Go, kill yourself!"
"You don't deserve to live!"
Everyone tormented him to no end.
He quickly rushed to his locker, when he was rammed into a set of lockers.
It was a taller, and a lot stronger.
"Hey there, wimp."
Jordan but his lip, not looking up.
"Aww, what's wrong? Huh?"
He soon kneed him, punching him in he face, and kicking him to no end.
Soon, the bell rang, and his tormentor let him go, and ran to class.
"It's official." Jordan muttered to himself.
"After school today, I'm leaving. I'm leaving this city. And hopefully never returning."
And he went off to class.
During class, he wrote a note.
"To whoever cares,
I hate my life here. My dad died when I was 2, then my mom and step dad died when I was 5 in an explosion.
I was in it, too. I came out without a scratch.
I should've been dead 11 years ago. But, I'm not. Someone or something kept me alive.
I was taken in by the old owner of my apartment building, in which he abused me every day, saying that I ruined his life. His name, by the way, is Mr. Lee
It doesn't get better at school. I have been bullied since preschool. PRESCHOOL! How is that even possible?
Don't come after me. I don't want to come back here. Not any time soon. And when I come back, you better beware. I'm coming back stronger than anyone would ever bargain for.
After school, he didn't come home.
Jordan went to the docks, leaving the note pinned to one of the posts.
Quickly, he hopped into one of the engine-power boats, destroyed the tracker, and sailed off into the sea.
Leaving behind everything he had ever known.
"RUN! YOU'LL MEET US SOON!" Tucker yelled, as if Jordan could hear us.

Jordan's POV

Who would do this to them... Who had the power to do so, in the first place, anyways?
It had to be godly.
Ianite wouldn't do that to me.
Mianite, he didn't seem like he would do that.
Dianite, ok, really? He wouldn't ever do that.
Then, who?
Then, a wave of realization washed over me.
The Shadows.


I love this story <3
*strums Mexican guitar, and smiles nicely at Color*

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