Volume 3 Chapter 3.1

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Second Graders

Right before the execution of the plan against the Rulers of Hell union — Erebus' group, Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu, along with the other second-year students team, as well as Rossweisse-san, who was the students' guide, and the doctor Roygun Belphegor-san, gathered in the uninhabited forest in the vicinity of Iwashimizu Shrine of the God of War, which was placed in the 'unlucky quarter (Southwest)' of Kyoto. Since they were still in the middle of their school trip, they were still in their school uniforms. However, they were wearing their summer uniforms that we quickly sent as it would allow them to move easier. If the enemy were to invade Kyoto, they had to go through either the 'evil Northeast', which was the Enryakuji temple in Mt. Hiei, or the 'Evil Southwest' Iwashimizu Shrine of the God of War. Himejima Suzaku and the Magicians from the Five Principal Clans must've gathered in Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji temple. The 'Evil Southwest' was going to be dealt with by Kuoh Academy's people. The time for starting the plan was a while after noon. They were placed there since once [DxD] started moving, the enemy must be fighting back and the enemy's other group must move as well. Taking Kyoto's past into consideration, evil spirits and the likes were mostly concentrated in either Enryakuji temple or the place where Ouryuu and the others were currently present.

Each member was relaxing in their own way as they were waiting for the scheduled time. Before the fight, Ouryuu was feeling lonely as his partner Bova wasn't present. Although they'd have a little quarrel every time they met, it didn't mean that Nakiri hated him. After all, they both idolised Hyoudou Issei, so it was only natural that both of them shared many things in common.

It was said that Bova had a wish to become stronger for the sake of his master, Hyoudou Issei, and asked Crom Cruach to make him his apprentice. Crom Cruach, on the other hand, seemed to take an interest in training the son of the former Dragon King — [Blaze Meteor Dragon] Tannin as he agreed to it. The seniors had been surprised for quite a while now upon seeing Crom Cruach's behaviour. However, Ouryuu wanted to support the wish of his partner, the [Sekiryuutei's Fang], to become strong. Because he deeply regretted that [I wasn't able to show my best part in the tournament]... Suddenly, the [Pawn] of the Sitri Peerage, Nimura Ruruko spoke to Ouryuu.

"Hey, Kouchin, I am sorry to bother you at a time like this, but..."

"What is it, Nimura?"

"Are you free? Wanna go out with me?"

Splatter! Nakiri splattered the water he was drinking from a bottle. Millarca then said 'Oh geez' and wiped Ouryuu's mouth with a handkerchief. Ouryuu replied to Nimura with his mouth twitching.

"Ha? What are you saying suddenly at a time like this? Didn't you have a crush on Saji-senpai?"

That's right, this girl was supposed to have a crush on the person who's a member of the Sitri peerage, Kuoh Academy's third-year student, as well as the Vice-president of the Student Council and a [Pawn] like her, Saji Genshirou-senpai. Or at least, that's what Ouryuu had heard people say. On the other hand, Nimura replied with her eyes half-closed, murmuring whilst looking as if she had mixed feelings..

"...Geeeeeeeeeez. We're just friends. I've decided to give him to Momo-san. That being said, Momo-san's still in the middle of a struggle, but I bet she'll somehow manage it. By forcing him to establish the fact or the likes, that is. But I know that I can't wait that long."


Ouryuu didn't know how to respond. Toujou Koneko, Ravel Phoenix and Gasper Vladi who were around were bewildered as well. Momo-san was referring to the third-year student, as well as the [Bishop] of the Sitri Peerage, Hanakai Momo-senpai. She was also a former member of the student council. According to the rumours, Hanakai Momo-senpai was said to also have a crush on Saji-senpai. However, the problem was that Saji-senpai himself liked the [King] of the Sitri Peerage, as well as the previous student council president, Sitri Sona — Sona Sitri-senpai. Plus, Saji-senpai himself wasn't aware of Hanakai Momo-senpai and Nimura's affections. That must be the reason as to why Nimura-san got tired of waiting. Ouryuu let out a sigh and said,

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