Chapter One

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Danny's POV

     Ever since I saved the planet and everyone found out my secret, going ghost became more of a hassle than it was worth. The first two months after I saved Earth, everyone would flock all over me when I was in my ghost form. People got hurt because of it. I failed my town by not stopping ghost attacks. After a rough encounter with Skulker, when Dash, Kwan, and Star were nearly killed, I gave up ghost fighting. I won't even go ghost for the hell of it. I know it upsets Sam and Tucker. They loved our ghost hunting. It causes me too much pain now. Jazz says I have PTSD. I strongly disagree with her. I just can never be a ghost again.

     It's been two years since the last time I became a ghost. Sam has tried to bribe me to turn again. Tucker created laws for our city just to make me change. Jazz has offered to help find me a therapist. Vlad has even somehow made it back to Earth and snuck into my house when he found out about it. Those encounters were always a bit disturbing since it would be the middle of the night and there Vlad was sitting at my desk. I lost count of all the ghosts looking for the "ghost boy," only to find me in my human form unwilling to change.

     We've been in senior year for all of three weeks, and I am still constantly pestered by people about being a ghost. I want things to go back to the way they were before everyone found out. I might tell me parents so they wouldn't try to kill me, but that would be about it. I don't think I've even mentioned how my parents have acted these past years. They have never stopped nagging me about ghosts. My mom has asked for me to be a test subject in several experiments. She wants to know what makes me half-ghost, half-human. I always decline.

    "Mr. Fenton?" Mr. Lancer calls out. I can never focus in class.

     "Yes?" I meekly respond.

     "Daydreaming again, are we?" he asks in his normal condescending tone.

     "Sorry..." I mumble with my head down.

     "See me after class." That is just what I need, to get in trouble at school again. I've been doing so much better since I gave up ghost fighting. My grades have improved so much, almost straight As.

     I pack up my stuff slowly as I wait for the room to empty. As the last student walks out, Mr. Lancer approaches my desk. "What were we dreaming about this time?"


     "Mr. Fenton, you really need to start paying attention. Your grades would improve. You're dismissed, now get out of here." It is rare that Mr. Lancer is kind to one of his students by giving them advice like he just did for me.

     I walk to my locker to find Tucker and Sam standing near it. It is the end of the day, and we should be walking home. I open my locker (instead of just going intangible and grabbing what I need) and pack my backpack. It's Friday night, and the three of us usually hang out.

     "Want to play video games?" Tucker suggests.

     "I think we should just hang at the Nasty Burger," Sam states. "How about you, Danny? What do you want to do?"

     "I don't know if I feel like hanging out tonight. I'm not feeling well," I lie. I can't tell them that I'm starting to think Jazz is correct about the mental illness thing. I just think it's more depression at this point.

     "Danny, what's wrong?" Sam whispers in my ear so Tucker doesn't hear. I shake my head, indicating nothing is wrong. "I don't believe you for a second, Daniel James Fenton."

     "Maybe I just don't want to talk about it, Samantha Lynne Manson," I retort, rather harshly. I want so badly to be a ghost again. I love the feeling, the power. I know I'm able to protect people in that form. But now, I'm just a useless nobody who is still bullied and constantly depressed.

     "Tuck, do you think you could spend the night at Danny's? I think we need to all have a sleepover," Sam says. I glare at her. I love that girl, but don't you think that's a little cruel.

     "I don't see why I wouldn't be. I'll go home and pack my bag now. See ya guys!" Tucker says over his shoulder as he turns towards his house. Sam pulls my arm, causing me to release one of my backpack straps. She intertwines her fingers with mine and stares at me as we keep walking forward.

     "What, Sam? Why are you staring at me?" I don't like being angry with her, but she's starting to get annoying.

     "Babe, what's wrong? You are obviously upset. I just want to know what is bothering you," she says as she stops and turns toward me. She whispers, "Is it the ghost thing?"

     I look just above her as I try to stop the tears. No one in Amity Park needs Danny Phantom. He started to blow missions and let people get hurt. Somewhere after the incident, he lost all focus. "Amity Park is better without Danny Phantom, Sam."

     "You're telling me that the crackpots dressed in all white are better at stopping ghosts than the Danny Phantom. You are full of shit. This town needs Team Phantom. They need you," she looks directly into my eyes. "I need you. I need Danny Phantom to come out of retirement."

     "I don't know, Sam. He really doesn't want to. Let's just drop the subject. Hurry up and go pack your bag. I'll get my house ready for tonight." I kiss her on the forehead and make my way to my house.

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