Chapter Nine

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Danny's POV 

    I didn't mean to run out on my friends like that. I couldn't help it. All of these negative feelings just built up, and I needed a release. I turn invisible and fly for a while. It takes me some time, but I finally find a spot to stop and rest. I'm about a mile outside of Amity Park, near an abandoned factory. I turn visible and float down to the roof of the factory. I stare up at the sky.

     It was roughly 7:00 when I ran off. I'd say it's close to 9:00 now. I hope Sam and Tucker are alright. I would feel awful if they got into a whole bunch of trouble because I took off. My sudden outburst wasn't necessary. I don't really want to quit, right? I just shouted it in the heat of the moment. Yeah, that makes sense. My parents are going to worry about me tonight. I'm going to miss curfew.

     The sky has finally become completely dark and the stars are out. I find all of the constellations that I can think of. Space is the one thing that has always been an interest of mine. I no longer want to be an astronaut, though. I need to stay on Earth. It needs me to protect it from the ghosts. I'll find a job doing something else. Maybe I could become a writer and base stories off my ghost fights. Right now, I need to go check on Sam.

     I get to her window around 10:30 and peek inside. She's sitting at her desk, drawing a picture. I phase through the wall and float next to her. I glance at her picture and see it's me in ghost form. She turns her head and sees me. Her face expresses worry.

     "Where have you been?" she asks.

     "Flying, mostly. I sat on the roof of the abandoned factory just outside town for a while. That helped me to calm down," I explain. "I'm sorry for my outburst and then running off. That was rude of me. I didn't mean to just leave you."

     "Danny, it's fine. We didn't get in trouble for being in the store. We were actually thanked for getting rid of the ghost. Tucker and I were just worried about you. We told your parents you ran off. They're expecting you by morning," Sam says.

     "I should probably go home, but I don't want to," I utter.

     "Where would you go? It's not like you have to go home, but it would ease your parents' worry," Sam rationalizes. I don't want to go there and explain to them everything that happened. They'll try to stay awake all night, waiting for my return. That's when an idea pops into my head.

     "Sam, what if I stay here for the night?" She looks at me in complete shock.

     "Are you crazy? If my parents find out you're here, they will go ballistic. I'll be grounded for probably the rest of my life, they might get another restraining order against you, and rumors would start if word gets leaked." She gets up and walks across the room to her bed before sitting down. I go to her and place my hands on her shoulders.

     "No one will find out. I can go invisible if anyone comes in, and when I go home in the morning, I'll keep my invisibility going until I'm in my house. How does that sound?" She looks uncertain, but finally nods her head yes.

     "How are we going to sleep?"

     "We're dating, yes?"


     "Aren't we able to share a bed?"

     "I guess so, but..."she pauses before continuing. "But what if something happens?"

     "What do you mean? Nothing will happen. I'll protect you."

     "Daniel, I mean what if something happens. Like, sexually happens?" I realize her concern.

     "Sam, babe, nothing like that will happen. I wouldn't force you into doing something like that, and you wouldn't force me. We love each other, a hell of a lot, but I don't think either of us are ready for that step." I hug her tighter than I ever have. "Do you believe me?" I whisper into her neck.

     "I believe you," she whispers back. "I'm going to get ready for bed. Are you going to wear your jumpsuit to bed?"

     "Um, would it bother you if I slept in just my boxers? No pants, no shirt. Or would that be crossing a line?"

     "That would be just fine," she says and walks into the bathroom connected to her bedroom. I pull the jumpsuit off and lay it over her chair. I look at myself in the full-length mirror Sam keeps in her room. My ghost body isn't too different from my human body anymore, especially since I have to make myself age. I don't get how I keep the same underwear whether I'm in ghost or human form, but my clothes change. I hear the bathroom door open and quickly turn around. Sam walks out with her hair down and wearing just an overly long shirt and her panties. She pulls her covers back and lies down. "Are you going to join me?"

     I lie down next her and pull the covers up. I turn my back towards Sam; I don't want to make her too uncomfortable. Not long after, Sam cuddles into me from behind. I hold the hand she lays on my chest. Not long after, I feel her breathing slow and steady. I know she's asleep. I try to sleep, and it comes to me after about half an hour.

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