Chapter 6 (The Ellen Show!)

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My phone rings. 


M-Hi is this Hailee Romaine?

H-Yes. May I ask who this is?

M-Hi I'm Heather, Ellen's manager. She would like you and Jace to come on the show tomorrow!

H- Really!! Oh My Gosh!! Thank you We'll be there! Can the rest of the cast come as well?

M- Yes they will be backstage and if you want one of them out at different times Ellen gave you permission for you to call them out.

H- Okay thank you! I'll be there at 2:30!

M-Perfect! Thank you have a great day!

H-You to bye!


"Who was that babe?" 

"Cooper can you turn down the radio?" He nods and I explain "Okay, that was Ellen's manager, she wants me and Jace to be on her show. Ellen gave me special permission to call you guys out if I want so Riele,Ella,Sean,Cooper you guys get to be backstage and lets say Jace and I want one of you to come out at a certain moment or even all of you guys, then I get to call you guys out!" Everyone cheers and Jace kisses me. 

"Princess, that's great! It's your first talk show!" Jace says

"Princess is that my new nickname?"

"Yep, because your my princess." I kiss him and everyone awe's "The best part about going on Ellen is that it's 1 hour after my last day of school and an hour after my debut on Henry Danger airs!!" I can't believe all of this is happening! I look around at everyone in the car and smile.

"Lettuce? Why are you smiling like that?" Riele asks.

"Because, I've finally found a family..." I say "Also I need a new nickname that's what Hailey called me and that's just gonna kill me."

"What do you mean? And what do your want your nickname to be?"

"My parents and my sister died in a car accident. Their money was left to me. I live in my house by my self with my dog. To get where I need to go I ride my bike. That reminds me, where am I gonna live in LA? And what will we do with my dog? I can't leave him, he's the only thing I have left." I say with a tear running down my cheek. Jace puts an arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "and how about Bree? That's my middle name. And Chopper, that's what my mom and dad called me."

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but your gonna live with me! We are adopting you! And I already talked to my mom and dad, you get to keep the dog. And, if you love those nicnames and want to be called them, then that's what we will do!" says Riele

"OH MY GOSH SERIOUSLY!!!!" Riele nods. We get to my house and I hop out of the car and hug Riele. We go into my house and Riele tells me that we need to start packing things. I'm not selling the house because I'm gonna stay here when I'm on break, and Riele said that her mom is taking me shopping when we get there because she doesn't have a younger child and she wants me to feel welcome. Cooper packed all of my dog stuff into the car and I grabbed all of my valuables. I grab alot of my moms stuff, alot of my dads stuff, and alot of my sisters stuff. Luckily, the owners of my house are my parents friends and basically like my second family and they agreed to let me keep the house because of the memories. I grab alot of the Christmas decorations. I know that's weird, but it was always the best when we made hot cocoa and decorated the Christmas Tree. I put my dog Tank (He's my dog irl and so is his name) on the leash and grab my essentials. The boys finished loading my stuff in the car and the girls also finished packing up stuff that was essential and had memories. Everyone walked out to the car and I stood in the living room with my dogs leash in hand. I couldn't help it, I cried my eyes out. I'm gonna miss this place, I miss my parents and my sister, even though my life has gotten better its also gotten worse. Jace walks through the door and grabs my free hand.

"Hailee are you ready to go?" I shake my head and sob again.

"I have to say good bye to my neighbors, and everyone I know out here in the Coachella Valley." Jace nods and we walk out side. I lock the door and take one more look at the exterior of my house. I sigh. Jace and I walk to the car and as he tells Cooper what I want to do and takes Tank's leash out of my hand I go to all of my neighbors that I have become close with in the neighbor hood and say good bye. Once I get back to my house, Cooper asks where I need to go and I tell him. Once I finish saying good bye to everyone, I have one more stop to make, my grandmas. I say goodbye and hug her and we talk for a bit. I tell her I'm gonna try to come down as much as I can and I'll text and call her all the time. She cries as we leave and I sigh and rest my head on Jace's shoulder. Well, its time to start a new life.


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