Dear Boys... (@chloe.saleen - instagram)

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Thanks @chloe.saleen on Instagram!

Dear Boys,
I am currently watching you talk about your last performance you're sitting on the stairs. Louis is wearing stripes (obviously) Niall is wearing his onsie, Harry is in a white polo, Zayn is wearing a brown jacket and Liam also. And 15 days ago I watched you. All grown up, with tattoos and facial hair. You weren't on the stairs you were in a stadium, a football stadium of 71,294 people. All these people were screaming for you guys, thanking you guys. I don't think you five boys realize how much you have done for those 71,294 people sitting in that stadium with you. You have saved so many of them including myself. You were there for me when I needed you most. Even though you didn't physically talk to me your music spoke to me in ways that I can't even explain because it's too much to even think about. I love you so much I can't even put it into words, thank you so much from all of us for five amazing years of blessing our eyes, ears, and ovaries. THANK YOU FIVE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND THE ENTIRE FANDOM I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH IM TEARING UP JUST WRITING THIS 💕💕
Instagram @chloe.saleen

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