part 2

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Part 2 hope you like it. Follow @potterimagines on instagram for short imagines!❤
Your POV
When I wake up the other girls are still asleep. I dress up fast and walk to the dorm room. I see a couple of younger kids talker to each other. I look around and see that Harry and Ron walk down the stairs. 'Shall we go to breakfast?' Ron asks. 'Sure.' I answer. Harry, Ron and I walk to breakfast. Today is the first day with classes. Our first class is potions with Slytherin. After a couple of minutes Hermione walks into the Great Hall and sits next to me. 'Are you excited for your first day, (Y/N)?' Hermiones asks. 'Yeah a bit.' I say. 'First we have potions.' Ron says. You can see that he doesn't like potions. Then the post comes. Everywhere are owls. A brown owl lands for Hermione with the Daily Prophet . She starts reading it. There also lands an owl for me. I immediately recognize him as the familyowl. A letter from my parents. 'What's in it?' Ron asks. 'My parents wish me luck for my first day and hope that I like it here.' I say. 'I'll send them a letter back tonight.' When we're done with eating we walk to the dungeons. There are already some Slytherins. Draco is there too. He looks at me. Ron sees it and grabs my arm and turns me around. A man opens the door. 'Who is that?' I ask while we're walking inside. 'That's professor Snape. He teaches us potions.' (In my imagine Snape is still the potions teacher) I sit down next to Hermione. 'Turn to page 394.' Professor Snape says. We all open our books and see amortentia. A love potion. 'This is the potion we're going to make today. You can start.' Everyone is reading the recipe. It is a really difficult potion. I start. I follow the instructions and the potion looks good. I hope it is. After a bit less than an hour professor Snape says that the time is up. I do a bit of my potion in a flask and give it to professor Snape. 'My potion looked horrible.' Ron says. 'It didn't even look like it should have been.' 'Mine too.' Harry says. 'How about yours, (Y/N)?' Hermione asks. 'I think it looked good but I don't know.' I answer. When we walk to our next class I see that Draco is looking at me again. 'WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!' Ron shouts at him. Draco gives Ron an angry look and walks into a classroom. I wonder why that Draco boy is looking but never says something. We arrive by our next class, transfiguration. 'Welcome everyone.' professor McGonagall says. 'Today we are going to turn an animal into a cup. Read the instructions on page 153 and good luck.' I read what I have to do and see that I already learned this on beauxbatons. I say the spell and my animal immediately turns into a cup. Everyone is looking at me. 'Well done, miss (Y/L/N)!' professor McGonagal says. '10 points to Griffindor!' While the rest is still practising I think about Draco Malfoy. Everytime when he is looking Ron or Harry turn me away. Ron even shouted at him. I don't see the problem. He looks nice. When class is over we have lunch. I sit down next to Ron and I see that Draco Malfoy walks into the Great Hall.

Draco's POV
When I walk into the Great Hall I see (Y/N) sitting at the Gryffindor table. She is talking to Weasley. I sit down next to Crabbe and look at (Y/N). Why is she friends with them? Ofcourse whole Gryffindor sucks but those three are the worst of all. Except Longbottom maybe. She can have better friends. Like me. She is good in potions. Her potion looked better then mine. And the smell of hers was amazing. I don't know exactly what I smelled but it was amazing. I see that Oliver Wood is walking to her. They're talking and she nods. He is probably asking if she wants to be the Gryffindor seeker. (Harry is not the Gryffindor seeker in my imagine) If that's true Gryffindor will win the Quidditch cup. She one of the best seekers in the world. She plays for the French team. Tomorrow is the first Quidditch game. Slytherin agains Gryffindor. Potter sees that I'm looking at (Y/N) and he looks really angry. Probably he is in love with her. Just like Weasley and the rest of the Gryffindor boys. She is famous, an amazing Quidditch player, and really pretty. I see Longbottom staring at her. What a loser. I see her standing up and she walks with the mudblood out of the Great Hall. 'I have to go somewhere.' I say to Crabbe. I stand up and walk after (Y/N). I don't even know why I'm following her. I see her going into the girls bathroom. I wait for her. A couple of minutes later she comes out of the bathroom. The bell rings. (Y/N) and Granger walk past me. (Y/N) smiles at me and I feel warm inside. I smile back and see that Granger is looking at me. She looks angry. I walk to my next class but all I can think about is (Y/N). I don't know what it is but there is something about her. I feel warm inside when she is smiling at me and I think about nothing else. Tomorrow is our first Quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor agains Slytherin. I hope I'll see her there. The next classes where boring and I didn't pay attention. At the end of the day I walk to the Owlery to send a letter to my parents. I walk around the corner and bump imto (Y/N). 'Oh, sorry.' she says and smiles. I feel warm again. 'No, it was my fault. I should've look around the corner.' there follows an awkward silence. 'Who did you wrote?' I ask and feel immediately stupid that I couldn't say something better. 'My parents.' she says. 'They send my an owl this morning to wish me luck. And wanted to know how my first day was.' 'Okay.' I say. Again awkward silence. 'I think I'm going to my dorm room.' she says. 'I'll see you later.' she smiles and touches my arm before she walk around the corner. I walk to an owl and feel stupid. What is wrong with me? I act like an idiot. I send the letter to my parents and walk to my dorm room while I'm still wondering what is wrong with me.

Draco Malfoy imagineWhere stories live. Discover now