part 7

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Hello everyone. Part 7 I hope you like it because I don't Follow @potterimagines on instagram for other short imagines.

Your POV
I walk into my bedroom. As quiet as possible. I don't want to wake anyone. I see that the other girls in the room are asleep. I smile and lay down in bed. Draco is my boyfriend. I keep smiling. I feel like this smile will never fade. It is here on my face forever. He kissed me. The first time a boy kissed me. It was amazing. He was so carefull. Like I was made of glass. I'm still smiling when I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up earlier then Hermione. I dress up and wait for her. Today I'll tell her, Harry and Ron that I have a boyfriend. That Draco is my boyfriend. Ron still doesn't talk to me so I think he is going to hate me forever. Harry will agree with Ron. And I don't know what Hermione is going to do. I hope she'll accept it. She's my best friend and I don't know what I'll do without her. Hermione wakes up. 'Goodmorning!' I say happy. Ever though I'm nervous for breakfast, Draco makes me happy. 'Morning.' Hermione says and comes out of bed. She dresses up and we walk together to The Great Hall. I see Draco sitting at the Slyrherin table. When he sees me he smiles and I smile back. I make sure that when I sit down at the Gryffindor table I still can see him. Hermione sits next to me. Harry and Ron walk in. They sit opposite of me and Hermione. I look one more time to Draco and then I say: 'I have to tell you guys something.' Harry, Ron and Hermione stop eating and they look at me. 'Is there something wrong?' Harry asks. 'No, no, not at all.' silence. 'I have a boyfriend.' I say. 'WHAT?!' Harry and Ron shout. A couple of Gryffindors look at them. Even Draco seems to hear it and looks concened at me. 'Who?!' Ron asks angry. 'Dra...' I start. 'MALFOY?!' Harry, Ron and Hermione shout. Again a couple of people look at us. Yesterday you said that he wasn't your boyfriend!' Ron says. He sounds so angry that it almost scares me. 'Well, when I told you he wasn't.' I say. 'So that was in that note!' Ron says. Hermione look confused and Harry says: 'Note?' 'Yes, Malfoy sended (Y/N) here a note during potions! I saw it but you said that it were just notes for Potions!!' 'Did he ask you in that note?' Hermione asks. She seems calm. 'No.' I say. 'He asked if I wanted to come to the Owlery at midnight. We talked there and then he asked me.' I say. It was the truth. Ron looks angry and Harry and Hermiones confused. The bell rings. Defenst Against The Dark Arts. Ron stands up and walks fast away. Harry follows him. 'Are you mad?' I ask Hermione. 'No...' She says. 'I don't know what I have to think about it. I always thought that Malfoy was a bully. But you like him and he likes you.' 'But are you okay with it?' I ask. 'Ofcourse I am. You're my friend. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.' I smile. 'But if he does something you don't like I'll punch him in the face.' She says. We laugh untill we arrive by Defenst Against The Dark Arts. We always have that with Slytherin. I see Draco sitting. he looks at me. I smile and point to Hermione. He smiles back. Ron sees Draco smiling and turns red. What is his problem? We practice some defending spells and then the bell rings. We have a free periode. 'Hey (Y/N), want to go outside with me?' Draco asks. 'Sure!' I say and we walk outside.

Draco's POV
'What was their reaction?' I ask her. 'Ron is mad. Harry is not really mad I think but he follows Ron. Hermione is okay with it.' she answers. 'Well, it's good that Granger is okay with it, right?' I say and she nods. 'Why is Weasley mad?' I ask. 'I have no idea...' she says sad. 'When I told him that I gave you your wand back, he was mad too.' 'It'll okay.' I say and grab her hand. 'I'm sure it'll be.' she smiles at me. We stop by the lake and sit down. 'What was the reaction of your friends?' she asks after a while. 'Nothing special. They were surprised that I'm dating a Gryffindor. And Blaise congratulated me.' he says laughing. 'Why did he congratated you?' she laughs with me. 'Because I date a famous Quidditch player and model.' I say and kiss her cheek. She smiles and blushes a bit. 'You're cute.' I say. It feels good that I finally can say everything I feel. Her smile grows bigger. 'You're sweet.' she says. I smirk and hugg her. She hugs me back. For the first time in my life I don't care what others say. I love (Y/N). And she loves me. Nothing else matters. She pulls back. 'Tomorrow holiday starts.' she says. I forgot that. It's almost christmas. 'Then I wouldn't see you for 2 weeks.' I say. 'I don't like that.' 'Me neither.' she says. 'Are you staying or going home?' 'Going home.' I answer. 'You?' 'Staying here. My parents are busy with their new job. And Hermione, Ron and Harry are staying too.' 'What is their new job?' I ask. 'They work at The Ministry Of Magic.' She answers. 'So you're pureblood?' I ask 'I am. You?' 'Pureblood too.' I say. 'I have to go to class.' she says. 'Yeah, me too.' I say. 'I'll see you later.' she says and I kiss her. She pulls back after a while. 'I'll see you later.' she smiles and walks away. Rest of classes are boring. I go to bed that night early and fall fast asleep.

The next morning I wake up. Finnaly it's holiday. No more boring classes. But also: no more (Y/N) for 2 weeks. I dress up and grab my stuff. In one hour the train leaves. Before I go I want to say goodbye to (Y/N). I leave my stuff in the room so the house elves can bring them to the train and walk to The Great Hall. I see Potter and Weasley playing wizard chess. (Y/N) and Granger are talking. I walk to them. Weasley sees me first. He looks fast away and turns red. Then Granger sees me and says something to (Y/N). She looks at me and smiles. She stand up and walks to me. 'Hey.' I say. 'Hi.' she says. 'I going in a couple of minutes. So I wanted to say goodbye.' I hugg her. 'I'll miss you.' I say. 'I'll miss you too.' she says. I pull back and kiss her on her head. 'Goodbye.' I say. 'Goodbye.' she smiles. I walk away to the train. After a couple of hours I'm home. My dad is waiting for me. We apparate to our house and I see my mother talking to aunt Bella. My mother seems upset. 'Draco...' aunt Bella says. 'The Dark Lord wants to talk to you...'

Draco Malfoy imagineWhere stories live. Discover now