Chapter 11

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Bill's POV

I looked at the ceiling of the twins bedrooms. I didn't need sleep, since I was a demon, so I was bored out of my mind. I heard moaning, and turned to see y/n, tossing and turning.

She kept turning, before clinging to my arm, when she buried her face in my shirt. "No, get away from them," I heard her mumble in her sleep.

I looked at her, she must be having a nightmare. "Hey wake up," I whispered, but she clung on to my arm even more, her nails digging into my skin. "Ow," I mumbled. "Hey, y/n wake up," I said, trying to shake her awake with my other hand.

"No, stay away! No, no, NO!" y/n said, a little louder. "Y/n wake up!" I said, shaking her again, a little more roughly. Then she started kicking and punching. I tried my best to hold her hands down, but it was hard.

"Y/n. WAKE. UP." I said, accidentally shouting. I cover my mouth and turned to see if I woke the twins. Luckily, they were still sleep. Unfortunately, that gave y/n a chance to kick me in the stomach. "Ow," I said. God, she kicked hard, and she was sleeping, imagine when she was awake. I looked at the twins again before realizing that y/n had stopped moving. I looked at her to see that she was hugging herself while trembling.

I made my way towards her and shook her violently. She gasped and covered her mouth, and screamed into her hand.

She saw me then sighed with relief, saying, "Oh, thank gods that was a dream, for a second I thought I was reliving that moment." she said.

"Wait, what was that dream about? I mean, you were kicking and punching." I asked, grabbing her hand. "I-I don't want to talk about it," she said, wiping sweat from her eyebrow. "Come on," I said, nudging her. "No, I said I don't was to talk about it!" she said, making me flinch. "Oh, sorry, I just, don't like talking about that moment." she said, looking at the floor.

"Ok, but if you need to talk, I'm right here," I said.

She smiled. "Thanks Bill." she said before hugging me.

I pulled away and she grabbed my arm, the one she had clung to. she rolled up the sleeve and to my surprise, it was bleeding.

"Wow, I didn't expect it to bleed, but hey, pain is hilarious!" I said. y/n touched the wound and it magically healed.

I looked at her. "Apollo healing magic," she answered, reading my mind.

"Oh, we should go to bed, you know, just in case we wake the twins." I said.

She nodded and laid down, and I did the same. "Thanks Bill, for being there." she said, hugging me again. "No problem." I said, before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Y/n's POV

Gods, I can't believe I had that dream, I mean, I have frequently, but ones that vivid only happen on my birthday, July 21, in like two weeks.

Maybe I should tell the gang, but what if the think differently after and then, no, just don't think about. I'm not going to lose this family too. I sighed before closing my eyes and falling asleep, and having yet another dream. Surprisingly, this one was pleasant, of so I thought.

Bill, Mabel, Dipper and I were out in the woods, looking for a monster. I heard a growling, and turned around to see wolves, the same ones from my birthday 15 years ago. Then, as fast as light, the grabbed my friends, and dragged them deeper in the woods, them yelling for help. I was about to jump to reach them when another one lunged at me and raised it's claw to kill me.

I jumped awake to find myself in the twins room, with Bill's arms around me. I blushed, laid back down and closed my eyes and felling to a dreamless sleep.

"Shhh, don't wake them." I heard a voice say, and then a camera. I ignored it and buried my head into something hard. Wait, what was I sleeping on?

"WAKE UP YOU TWO!" Mabel screamed, causing me to shot up, along with Bill.

"WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY!" I yelled, looking around.

"WHERE THE PANCAKES AT?!" Bill yelled.

I looked to see the twins laughing. Then I saw the time. 7:00 in the morning.

"WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP AT 7:00 IN THE MORNING?!" I yelled. "So you can get ready for work at the Mystery Shack." Dipper said between laughs.

I banged my head on the floor. "The majority of my summer is going to be great," I mumbled sarcastically, before getting up.

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