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Deadlox's POV

I followed Preston to a secret room, he hadn't told me where though. I can't believe I'm going to see Seto again! I'm kind of excited mixed with nervous. None of us had spoken to him for over a year, and now we suddenly are asking for his help. 

I'm not surprised he is actually magic; it was kinda obvious. Whenever I was around him in real life he gave off this enchanting aura. He's actually pretty cute, to be honest. Light brown, fluffy hair; cute, faint freckles. No one would've guessed what he's been through...

Me and Preston finally reached the door after going through many hallways. He looked at me before opening the door slowly. Inside was a enchantment table and two candles around it.  He gestured for me to stand on one side of it, as he stood opposite me. 

"Okay, Ty, hold hands with me." Preston commanded, as we held hands. "Okay, I want you to transfer all the magical energy you can muster through your body," He went on, "Don't stop 'till I let go of your hands."

I nodded. And started to force my magical energy through my body to my hands. I felt every spark transfer through my body. My fingertips felt numb in a weird but not painful way and every now and then I would twitch because of magic overload.

After 2 minutes or so, Preston let go of my hands. I had my eyes squeezed shut and slowly opened them to see a mess of purple light beside us. I blinked as it formed to reveal an old friend...


To be continued

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