The Amulet

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Setosorcerer's POV

I stared in disbelief at the item Preston had brought back with him, "Preston. I'm not going to." I said, shaking my head. Preston just held up the white and silver amulet and shook it around, smiling like a drugged up idiot. Ty looked at us, confused - "What's going on? What's that" He asked in his deep voice. "Oh well this, my good friend, is the 猫のお守り - It's a magic japanese amulet. It simply translates to 'cat amulet', which is exactly what it is." Ty made a face of awe as Preston finsihed talking. "Does that mean whoever wears it will turn into a cat?" Ty said. Preston nodded and shook his head, " Yes and no, it will turn him into a person with cat ears and a tail - so adorable," he went on , "The person who gave this to me, said i can only let nachový sorcerers use it, which means purple flamed sorcerers. Which means Seto."

"What's does this have to do with the battle?" Ty said. Preston explained how it not only makes the user more agile, it gives the user more strengh and stamina, the only reason people don't really use it is because even after the amulet is taken off, the cat features dont wear off until 3 months later... Ty looked at me, " Seto you have to! It'll be a big help to you!" 

"No Ty."

"Why not? What are you worried about?"

"Ty, I'm going to go into that room full of people ,who i haven't seen in so long, looking like a anime character."


"How am I going to explain that one Ty? Just go in and say Oh hi guys i'm a cat person, don't worry im not a weirdo. 'Cause I don't wanna do that.!"

"Me and Preston will do the talking, no ones going to think you're weird - they know the circumstances."

"What are you going to say Ty? Oh hi guys Seto's a cat person, don't worry he's not a weirdo."

"Dude, why are you so concerned about what they'll think of you?"

"I just want them to like me, Tyler..." I said starting to tear up a bit. It's so stupid... I shouldn't be crying over something to stupid but I just don't want to be an outcast to them... 

Ty stepped forward and embraced me in his arms, holdng me close. He stroked my hair making little 'shh' noises. Ty's cool like that, he never likes to see me down. "Man, they're going to like you, cat features and all. Plus after what you did last month, you've been so cheerful and happy. Show that side of you and I'm sure they'll love you, be all gloomy and they won't so much. You can either make a good impression or a bad one. Whatever you pick, I'll always be by your side dude."

I looked up at him and smiled, blinking away the tears, "Dude that was so lame... But thanks!" I hugged him tightly until I heard the sound of clapping from from behind us. Preston was standing there smiling at us, "Couldn't of said it better myself, Ty....C'mon Seto let's get that amulet on you."

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