Kinky or kidnap?

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Troy's POV

My eyes sleepily opened, and as my vision adjusted, I found myself lying on my back, surrounded by pink walls. I tried to open my mouth to take a  dramatic breath, and I found a gag in my mouth. I tried to move my hands to remove it, and found them bound with rope.

Either I was having some really kinky sex earlier, or I had been kidnapped.

I jerked myself up into a sitting position, leaning against the wall. Around me, I see the rest of the basketball team, lying defenceless and sleeping on the floor, like a litter of new born Labrador puppies.

Yeah, I'm going to go with the kidnapping scenario.

A cold sweat runs down my back, and through my hair. Oh my perfect hair. Is that why I'd been kidnapped? To become a hair donor or something like that? Please not my hair. Without it, my gorgeous smurf blue eyes are nothing, nothing I tell you.

I bite down hard on the gag, chewing and hoping it will finally come off.

Finally, I chew hole through it.

Next to me, my Afro of a 'best friend' is struggling to sit up.

"Chaddy-lad?" I whisper hoarsely.

He looks at me bluntly and grunts at me like a monkey. Not quite his usual reply (it's Troy-boy, for anyone wondering) I guess the gagged feel like they don't need to speak to their king, how inconsiderate.

I flop away from him, obviously making sure my hair remains in its permanently perfect position. To loose that would be a fate worse than death, let me tell you.

I've been lying in that position for about a hour when the door bursts open. At the door stands Sharpay, in a detectives outfit, complete with a sassy monocle. Her blonde hair falls around her shoulders in a perfect, Clueless blown out style.

Ew. She's so fugly.

Her eyes pan the room as she takes in the possible hostage situation in front of her, a slightly bewildered look on her face.

I think Sharpay Evans may be lost for words. There's a first time for everything.

Eventually, she leans over to Zeke, pulling the gag from his peasant mouth.
"What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. In. My. VAN! YOU SCUM OF THE EARTH!" She yells at him. "Oh. Hey Troy" she smiles and winks at me flirtily. Meow. Even in this situation, Troy still gets the ladies.

"Sharpay, why the hell am
I in your van, you dumb, blonde slut?" I ask her.

"I have no idea Troy. But seeing you bound up like that gives me some ideas of what we could do now you are in it." She smirks.

"What the actual f*ck Sharpay. Seriously. The whole basketball team have been taken hostage, and all you can think about is getting Troy to be yours?" Zeke asks. "That's just, seriously messed up." He shakes his head.

"Did I speak to you, jabbering meerkat?" She asks. "No. I did not. So Shut Up!" She kicks him in the stomach with her 8" stilettos, as Zeke clutches his stomach and sobs, yelping.

"Now Troy. I don't know how you ended up in this van, but I have a proposition for you, to get you and your team out of it." Sharpay raises an eyebrow. She leans down and whispers in my ear, before looking at me expectantly.

"Sharpay, come here my dear." I whisper to her. "I have to ask one thing."

"Anything for you, Troyey-poo." She smiles at me.


"Just do it Troy. Whatever she wants, do it." Zeke weakly says from the corner of the room.

"It's not WHAT she wants me to do, it's WHO she wants me to do it with." I gasp for breath.
"There is no way I would do that! And risk fathering the spawn of FREAKING SATAN IN A PINK FLUFFY BABY GRO!" I feel me anger boiling and growing.

Zeke looks up at her, scanning her body and giving her a once over. "I don't know Troy, I would tap that ass."

This merits another kick in the stomach from the blonde psycho.

"I only asked for a date, Troy. I'll pay." Sharpay smiles sweetly at me.


Sharpay looks a little taken aback, and pets her long blonde locks affectionately, whispering "it's okay sweetie's, mummy is here now" to them.


I can't do it. I literally can't bring myself to date this psychopathic, blonde bitch, who only wears pink and has matching outfits for her teeny? Ugly, rat she calls a dog. She's so into drama her life is basically a high school musical, and she uses the word fabulous like it's going out of fashion. She's been stalking me since kindergarten, (but then again, what girl hasn't, I'm so attractive) and I know for a fact she has 'I love Troy Bolton' underwear she wears everyday.

Actually, to see such dedication to me is sort of... Inspiring. It's like, I have the ultimate fan girl.  And that's sort of... Dare I say... Sexy.
I look at Sharpay, and I notice she's actually quite attractive. Pretty eyes, pretty hair, Flawless fashion taste.

I guess I never saw past the crazy to notice.

She's much prettier than that little simpering brunette, Gaby or Gemma or whatever her name is, I can barely remember.

And this girl can sing, properly sing. G-dawg can belt out a few slow notes and heartfelt ballads, but let's face it, the girl has as much personality as a crumpet. Sharpay is sassy and passionate, and she loves what she does. The drama department is hers, then this newcomer came along and tried to take it, and her man. (That's me, incase y'all are wondering.)
"Sharpay. I think there's something I need to tell you." I gasp, surprised by my sudden appiffany.

"Yes, my sweet little Troy-bun, too good, too pure for this earth?"
My perfect blue eyes flit up to meet her own, deep brown ones.
Maybe she's been what I'm looking for, and she's been in front of my the whole time. For so long I've been lost, and it feels so good to be found, I just love having her around. This feeling, it's just like no other, I just want her to know...
"I think I love you."

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