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Lunar POV:

To nigh felt different then usual, maybe because the winter cold blow through the forest was even colder or I was being paranoid.

I shock the feeling away as I held tightly onto Ivory's opally creamy white fur as she dashed gracefully through the forest.

The forest look mysterious and magical as the moon lit up the forest. Birds flow in the starry night as the mid night creature's went out hunting.

Ivory slowly slowed down and I knew something wasn't right. She was on high alert, a warning growl left her mouth echoing through the forest.

"Lunar" her soft tone called my name, "yes Ivory" I replied in a worried tone as I grip even tighter, hiding my face in her solf silky fur.

Before she could answer me she let out other growl this time it was a demanding growl to leave or show yourself. I was shivering and I could tell Ivory knew.

She turn her head to face me. I lifted my head and nodded slowly, "I want you to hide behind the trees" she says in a soft yet demanding tone. I couldn't really refuse.

I slide off Ivory, her silky fur rubbing past my body till I met the cold. I ran behind the trees as I watch Ivory.

Moments later a pack of rouges emerged from the other side. Their murderers eyes felt shaper then any double edge swords.

I watch intently as they circled around Ivory, watching her like a hawk. The midnight air drop and became tense and heated.

A few more seconds went by what felt like hours, a black silky wolf appeared. He was towering over the others. He stood a meter away from Ivory.

I could feel Ivory, she was worried but it wasn't for self but me....why as the feeling ran through my head. Automatically sending waves of worries down my body.

My heart was pounding like crazy, my throughs were about to take me when a growl snap me out of it. It was Ivory, she was growling at me not the wolf infront of me.

As I turn to see Ivory a wolf had lep towards her aiming for her neck but she dodg it, she quickly went to attack the wolf but other wolf had lunge at her. Pinning her to the ground. She let out a whine that sounded like she had been winded. She shock her head and tried to get up but was stop by the black wolf. He latch his strong jaws into her neck, Ivory's cried rang loudly through the forest.

I couldn't take it, I ran and jump in the front of them, they jump back as the black wolf released he's grip and spun his head to me.

Our eyes met and he stood still, a spark shot through my body but I quickly dismissed as it was just the pain coming from Ivory. I walk to Ivory and the black wolf just stood there. Eyes burning blaze on me as if he found what I was doing amusing.

Her opally white coat was a dark red, teeth marks where deep but would heal if she rested fro a week or so. I ran my fingers through her fur, tears staining my snowy white cheek with a pink lines.

I stood up turning my attention to the black wolf and his pack of rouges. My eyes shifted to a dark silver, my wolf ears appeared a long with my tail swaying from side to side. My moon markings appeared on my forehead.

I was gonna murder them, I was fuming with anger until Ivory stood up behind me letting a piss off growl. It rang loudly in my ear drums then to my head. My body froze and I spun to face her.

"lunar....lunar.......luNAR.....LUNAR......LUUUUNAARRRR" a pissed of tone pierced through my head and shock the hell out of me. My facial expressions told her I could hear now.

"What do you think you doing?" her pissed of tone never wavered. I look at her and then down at my feet. I couldn't stay put Ivory" I said firmly and clearly as I look up to meet her eyes.

I soft and worried expression was all she had on. I place my forehead on hers, running my fingers through her fur. Our attention was snap back at one of the wolves growling but was snap back at by the black wolf.

Our eyes met and a wave of sparks flowed throughout my whole body making me feel numb. Ivory nudge me towards the black wolf as he approach me.

He's fur was soft and silky and tingles shot up my arm like wild fire, I could feel the shivers coming from im guessing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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