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I pull away. "Matthew you just cheated on summer." I say.

He face palms himself. "Shit I'm such a fuck up."

I pat his back and he pushes me away."you fucking helped me cheat on her." He yells.

Wow that's nice one minute ago he was telling me he will always like me and then another he's yelling at me.

"Um no you leaned in first!"

"Fuck you Zoe." He screamed.

"Stop cursing Matthew!"

"You're not my fucking mother!"

Alexa and Cameron enter holding hands.

"What's up with all the screaming?" Cameron asks.

"Matthews being an ass." I say

"You're the one acting like a bitch." He mumbles.

"Say that louder!"

"You're the one acting like a bitch!"

I groan in frustration and Alexa chuckles.


She smiles and starts laughing. "Nothing it's just I remember the first time you guys met I could see the love in your eyes and now it's just battle."

I roll my eyes. "He chose for it to be like this."

Matthew then grabs his phone and calls some one.

He puts it on speaker so we can all hear him.


M-Summer we have to break up I'm sorry."

S-Why I thought everything was going great?"

M-I love someone else"

S-What about Canada?"


He hangs up and he comes over to me.

"I'll always fucking love you." Matthew said and the. Kissed me.

I kissed back and his hand went onto my waist and my hands onto his neck.

"Guys were still here." Alexa says laughing.

"We know." Matthew says against my lips.

"Okay now I know that I will always love you so Zoe Hartfrier, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smile and kiss his lips "Yes Matthew I will be your girlfriend." 

His smile is wide and his attacks me with kisses.

"I love you Zoe."

"I love you Matthew."


I kind of liked this chapter I don't know. Wbu?

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