Chapter Six。

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Oooo, a new character is introduced!
Song: BTS - No More Dream.
They're babes, and they deserve to be listened to by you babes, so.

Levi's POV. Unedited~

"Levi! You can't be doing that here!" Even scolded, glaring at the item in between my fingers. "Where did you even get that?"

I shrugged, rolling my eyes. "At the gas station. What's the big deal?"

"I never knew you were a smoker, that's all." Eren muttered, giving the cigarette an odd look that was currently in between my lips.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, kid." Which was the most truest words I've spoken all day. Then again, I haven't talked much today.

"Eren, calm down. Him smoking is his choice." Kira said, thumping his shoulder. I've noticed Eren always gets thumped a lot.

We were currently standing in the parking lot of a building that was going to hold Eren and I's next English class. I had decided to smoke a cigarette, as they always me help with my nerves. I'd never admit that I was nervous about going into class, and meeting annoying strangers who are just going to shove difficult, but pointless English words down our throats.

"Well. I'll let you guys be alone now. I'm going to head back to the house, and I'll be going to work soon. Will you guys be able to find your way back home?" Kira asked, rewrapping the brown scarf around her neck. She had walked with us to the building, as I still was completely against using those creepy ass vehicles.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll be fine. We just gotta go straight, left and then right and then another left and there ya are; I've got it." I said quickly, flicking the ashes off the cigarette.

Kira's eyes widened and she giggled. "Well, I'll see you later then! Don't be so rude to the new people, Levi!"

"Bye Kira!" Eren called out. Kira quickly left, heading back to her house. "Levi, can you put that out now? It stinks."

I glared at him, grabbing his shirt and pulled him closer to my face. Just as we were only a few inches away from our noses touching, I exhaled and a big amount of smoke slowly left my mouth and drifted towards Eren. His eyes were too wide and face was too flushed to even realize what had just happened.

I pushed him away and chuckled at his reaction. He quickly shook his head, as if it would help get the thoughts away from his mind. He set his eyes back on me. "I'm serious. Put it out!"

I rolled my eyes, and stomped on the small cigarette underneath my combat boot. "Come on, let's get this over with."

"Oh hush, this is going to be fun." Eren replied, nudging me with his elbow right into my side. I hissed and the most annoying giggle came out of my mouth as he hit a funny bone.

"Eren, you ass!" I slapped the back of his head, trying to hide the fact that I just giggled like a 12 year old seeing her crush.

He rubbed his head, but was doubled over in laughter which told me he clearly heard my embarrassing giggle. "I knew you had a little cutie side of you!" He said while laughing.

I hid my flushed face as I looked away from him. I never want to hear that giggle again. "You caught me off guard." What an awesome excuse.

"Pft, whatever!" Eren said, catching his breath from his laughing fit. "Ah, come on Mr. Giggly. Let's go inside." Remind me to hit him again once we get home for that comment.

Sighing, I walked behind him towards the glass doors, and entered the building. It was a large room with tables set up, and couches and snacks on some of the tables. There were groups of people gathered around in their own small group as they chatted. I had guessed that they were speaking in their own native language.

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