Chapter 1: Old Enemy New Power

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Pit's POV

"How about I make dinner tonight, Lady Palutena?"

"That would be great, Pit," the Goddess of Light replied.

"Face it, Pit, your place is the battlefield, not the kitchen." An angel with black wings and the same chiton I have in black came in through the corridor.

"Easy for you to say, Pittoo, you destroyed your Urgle assistant with Viridi's Claws!" I shot back.

"What, so just because I'm a copy of you created by the Mirror of Truth, I have to screw up every single meal I make? Remember that one barbecue when you scorched a hamburger with the Burning Palm?"

"You couldn't have done that burger perfectly with the Twinbellows Cannon without Viridi, and you know that!"

"At least Viridi didn't try to make dinner that wanted to kill her. Remember that?!" I growled at Pittoo as he said that.

"Um, hello! Are you gonna make dinner or what?!" Viridi yelled.

"R-right! How about Vegetable Surprise?" I suggested.

"Just don't use too much Rejuvenator!" Lady Palutena reminded us.

"We know! And can we borrow the Wolf Claws and Cutter Palm?"

"Sure." After getting the weapons from the Weapons Altar, I took off my bag.

"We're gonna use extra Rejuvenator, aren't we?" Pittoo asked, grinning.

"What do you think?" I asked, taking a bottle of the potion out of my bag. We poured some onto the necessary vegetables, and they came to life. They grew arms and legs, and one eye opened. I put on the claws, and Pittoo the Palm, which burst when it hit his hand, forming a tattoo and a dark blue aura with green and blue saw-like blades around it.

"How am I supposed to cook them after cutting them?" Pittoo asked.

"Flame Card. It only lasts for three minutes, so make it count." Pittoo nodded as he placed the talisman on the palm, giving it a fiery red aura. The mutants then combined to form the Garden Golem, as I call it. We started attacking it, setting it ablaze. I slash-and-burned the mutants shot at me, destroying all of them and making them fall into the Skyworld Soup.

"Palutena told me to check on you and..." Viridi's voice trailed off as she saw us. "What the heck is that?!"

"Viridi. I need the Power of Flight to make dinner," I called to her, then seeing the green light form on my wings as I flew up to the Garden Golem and slashed at it as Pittoo launched the blades surrounding the Palm. The Garden Golem roared in agony as it was cut and burned. It was ready to be cooked.

"Phosphora! Time to wash the vegetables!" I yelled. Phosphora, wielding the Poseidon Cannon, fired a blast of water that exploded into the monster, reverting it back into normal vegetables. I then spun around and sliced every single one as they fell. Shadow, a Fighter in Skyworld's sport, created a tornado with the Ore Club, made of stone mined in mountains of the gods, pulling the pieces into several pans in the hands of the Centurions, the angelic guards and soldiers of Skyworld. A few minutes later, dinner was ready.
After dinner, Pittoo and I raced on Exo Tanks and soaked in a hot spring, my favorite thing to do to relax. Afterwards, I met with Phosphora to talk about what had happened lately. She took care of Phos and Lux, the unicorns who pulled the Lightning Chariot, for the past two years ever since I defeated Hades with the Great Sacred Treasure, which got totaled during the fight. We looked at the sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Phosphora sighed.

"Yeah," I replied. "But I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong."

The Return of Chaos Book 1: The Chaos Kin and the Sacred Treasures (a Kid Icarus Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now