Chapter 2: Family Reunion

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Gaol's POV

I have worn this dark armor for five years. For less than a year, I was cursed, then Magnus and the angel freed me, and three years more I spent controlling my powers. Now I fight alongside Magnus as a mercenary again. We have new weapons now. Magnus' sword got transformed into a Club, and I got a Blade that matched my armor. But those two girls changed everything.
Molly's POV

My father and I were separated thirteen years ago. Since then, I've considered Nene my only family. We're not really related, but she is like a little sister to me. One night, our fates changed forever.

"Sis, you've gotta believe me, there was a talking deer in my dream last night!" Her blue eyes begged me to believe her.

"I believe you, Nene. But the fact that it led you to a temple has me confused. Anyway, goodnight." I quickly drifted off to sleep.
I was in a cave, and a strange mark was on the wall. In front of me was a bear. A she-bear, that is. I turned to leave, but then she spoke.

"I know why you are here." I turned around to see her on all fours, her black eyes staring into my hazel ones.

"You're not gonna attack me?"

"No," she responded. "I'm merely a messenger for the Lost Goddess. Call me Ursa. The deer your sister saw was my own sister Huntress. Come. I'll take you to them." She walked past me and out of the cave. I followed and saw a temple with a coliseum and a massive statue in the middle. The statue depicted a goddess with long braided hair and a cloak. She had a bow in her hand and was nocking an arrow. I saw the deer who Ursa called Huntress, and my sister Nene, enter the coliseum. We entered as well, then were led to the statue altar.

"So, you have come," a calm voice said. The two messengers bowed as a young silver-haired woman, looking the same as the statue, appeared. She carried her bow and had a quiver on her back.

"Lady Artemis," Ursa and Huntress greeted the Goddess.

"So you're the Lost Goddess?" I asked.

"Yes, young one. You two shall carry my power and bring me back to Angel Land. I bestow upon you my four best weapons other than my Bow. Put your hand into the altar pool one at a time. You will go first, Molly. Place both of your hands in."

"Okay." I walked up and submerged my arms into the water up to my elbows. It glowed, and my arms came out with thick violet and blue vambraces. Two half spheres, one black and one white, flew out and hovered over my shoulders.

"Molly, I give you my Hunter Claws and Eclipse Orbitars," Artemis told me.

"They're beautiful." The weapons shimmered in the light.

"Nene, recieve your weapons." Nene walked up and put her right arm into the pool. It glowed again, and she pulled out a blue weapon that looked like a gun. The end of it had a small white crescent shaped blade. The water on her arm glowed and crawled up her entire right arm. The water then burst to reveal a midnight blue aura covering her skin with white ribbonlike stripes surrounding it. "I give you my Lunar Palm and Night Blade. Use them well, Nene."

"I will," my sister replied.

"Good," Artemis said, smiling gently. "Your training will begin tomorrow night."
We woke up simultaneously.

The Return of Chaos Book 1: The Chaos Kin and the Sacred Treasures (a Kid Icarus Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now