Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 

             "Hey," I called after Xavier , as he rushed down a makeshift stairway. I squinted my eyes trying to readjust to the dark scenery around me, but not a crack of light shining through made it difficult. After convincing--or more like threatening--the guards to let me out, he harshly treaded down the hall and to the elevator. He never waited for me to catch up; instead I had to fling myself in between the elevator doors so I couldn't lose sight of him.

            "Where are we going?" I asked him. In reply I got a grunt and a curt 'shut up'--but nothing else.

            "Fine." I huffed and felt for a rail to help my fall down the stairs easier.  Quickly I prayed that he wouldn't be leading me into a trap, or worse, my death. I squinted and something caught my eye, a swirl of glowing blue fire illuminated the chilly room.

           What was that? I thought and moved closer to the light.

            With a sound of a click sunlight rushed through a small crack in a rock wall. My eyes widened about what my eyes took in, a man hunched over dirt, sweat, and mud stained his copper looking skin. He looked peaceful, yet warn out at the same time. As his wary eyes took in my presence he stood up and bent his upper body in a bow.

            The man I saved from Valvazar. 

           "Princess." He spoke in a withery voice. "What brings you here?"

           Instead of me speaking, Xavier spoke, "We need a favor from you."  

           Turning his eyes to Xavier the man sneered, "I owe you no favor, Prince of Hell."  

            Ignoring the man’s insulting comment, Xavier reached over and grabbed onto my hand. Like before, in his room, another jolt of electricity ran through my hand and I winced. Thinking, I looked to the man, I hope he knows why this is happening? Roughly he shoved it towards the man’s cell barrier. "Look at this." He ordered. 

             With a hesitant walk the man made his way over to the edge of his prison cell, and gripped the bars. Turning his eyes slowly back to me, the man glanced at my wrist. Just seconds after his eyes glazed over my skin, they widened with relisation and awe. Triumph rushed over his features and he grinned.

            "I knew it was you!" He exclaimed with happiness. “From the moment I saw you, I knew!” He cried out some more.  "Praise to you, chosen one." He took another bow, this time further to the floor.  

            Alarm shot through me as Xavier abruptly dropped my arm and took a precautious step away from me. Still facing the cell, he narrowed his eyes at the man. "Chosen one?" He questioned and took a quick glance at me.  

           "You drank of the river of Hell, and are ready to come to the Father." The man looked to me, with a grin still publicised, and his grip on the bar constricted.  

           "The Father?" I sputtered out the two words weakly. 

            "Yes, the Father." The blissful man nodded and his hands dropped suddenly to his side. I looked over to Xavier. With his bottom lip, tucked underneath his top teeth he looked deep in thought. He looked as though nothing could bring him back from that little world he had entered.

With my mind telling me to leave him to hisself, I sighed. Turning back to the man, I watched as he scurried closer to the back wall. Throwing his hands in the air, he rose his head and chanted, "She is the Chosen, fellows! The Chosen has come! Rejoice!"  

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