Ch. Eighteen: Updated Routine

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Another two days passed. May hadn't come back yet. It almost had been a full week again, and (F/n) wished that she could call out to her and let her know that her search was over. She no longer needed to put herself in danger for the moment. To keep herself from worrying, though, she focused on their new company. Keiran did the same but for other reasons as well. So far, Edwin displayed no romantic feelings towards (F/n), and he wanted it to stay that way.

So when (F/n) suggested that he train the two of them how to fight, it accomplished two goals. They'd know how to defend themselves better, and Keiran could keep an eye on Edwin. Keiran would like to think that (F/n) would never need fighting practice and that she only needed to rely on him, but that was too ideal for their situation. As much as he hated it, she'd have to endure battle, so she might as well be prepared for the inevitable, whatever the extent of it may be.

He was somewhat reluctant in training Edwin, but he hadn't tried to kill them yet, and he did require the training. Not training Edwin was essentially sentencing the male to death for what lay ahead of them. And at that point, he might as well just kill Edwin himself. So, he followed (F/n)'s request of him, and he imagined that Edwin wasn't opposed to (F/n) requesting the training for both of them either.

Naturally, though, it was going to take time, and he'd have to speed up their training. He had years, and he didn't know when (F/n) would want to start moving. They hadn't discussed it yet; they were waiting for May to return. Theoretically, they might have almost a year since they were going to wait that long originally, but he wasn't certain of that. The longer they waited, the harder it might be to take back Credel as Kendra and Felin grew more influential with their new statuses. Then again if they botched their relationship with the royal court because of their desire for power, they might make things easier with time for them.

It was uncertain. But with May's talent of hearing rumors, they might gain insight into how Credel was faring once she returned to the forge. For now, though, he put aside his smithing talents and focused on his fighting ones. Was he the best knight? No. But, he also wasn't the worst, and he was their only option until May arrived. She could train them in the art of stealth.

Keiran wondered what their plan would be. Would it be to gather followers and take back the kingdom? Where would they get such people, though, and how long would it take before people started noticing something coming together? Or, would it be better to take the stealth option, and as a small group, sneak into Credel and try to convince those they needed to in order to take back the throne? Each plan came with their own risks, and from their position seemed unlikely to go well. But, he knew that when he rescued (F/n).

Of course, they could live out their lives and sail off the island of Anigour to ... Well, he didn't know. But, that didn't matter. That wasn't the plan. (F/n) wanted to take back her kingdom; she didn't want it to be turned into something vile by the hands of those who betrayed her.

Breaking out of his thoughts at the sound metal against metal, he looked at his two trainees and saw that their current practice was going well. But, they were both amateurs, and so facing each other wasn't too much of a challenge; however, it was a good start. And, they were helping him keep his fighting abilities intact through him training them. Currently, they both had their metal rods stopped by their opponent's.

Keiran didn't want them to start with swords, daggers, etc. He'd rather one of them not get stabbed or cut. And if Edwin hurt (F/n), albeit accidentally, he wouldn't be able to forgive his fellow magic user. Rather, things probably would end poorly for him. So, he opted with metal rods of the same size and length that Edwin formed out of the steel available in the forge.

Now if hit with one hard enough, it certainly could cause damage, but at least, it wouldn't necessarily be fatal. Not to mention the rods were hollow, so they wouldn't hit as hard. Yes, he could've used wood as an option, but he was no carver nor were any of them. Not to mention that he wanted them to get used to the feel of metal in their hands. Once they proved themselves with the current rods, they'd upgrade to heavier ones, ones that weren't hollow.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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