Another Day Another Full Moon

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Rachel's POV
It was the day after Allison's funeral. I know it will never be the same without Allison but I know she's in a better place. I woke up early because it was a school day. I woke up Georgia because I know she likes to sleep in and I went to the washroom. When I looked in the mirror I saw dark circles under my eyes because I'd didn't get enough sleep. I applied some makeup to look a little bit more approachable and curled my hair. Today I wore black tights,a floral dress,with a jean jacket and some combat boots and rushed downstairs for breakfast.

Georgia's POV
"Ugh RACHELL why'd you wake me up!" I got finally got up and looked at my phone and it was 7:30 and our school starts at 8:10. I rushed out of my bed and washed my face, added a wee bit of makeup and put my hair in a fishtail. I pulled on my favourite oversized sweater, with an infinity scarf and black leggings. I also put on my knee high boots that reminded me of Allison and ran downstairs.

Rachel's POV
I finished up breakfast just as Georgia comes running downstairs. "It's about time you come downstairs," I smirked. "Yeah, yeah at least I don't have to wake up so early to look 'perfect'" Georgia teased "Heyy! Mom!" "Would you two please act your age and stop fighting like children." Mom said while continuing to read her newspaper. Scott came down after a while and looked like he didn't sleep at all. "Morning." He mumbled.

"Wow he's really sad, eh." Georgia said telepathically.
"Yeah.. Let's go cheer him up." I replied. We both got up and hugged Scott. He jumped up a little probably because he was falling back asleep but we woke him. "We know you can get through this." Georgia smiled. "Yeah, I know it would make Allison happy if you were not moping around." I agreed. Scott looked at both of us and smiled one of his goofy smiles- my favourite. "Thanks guys. I don't know what I did without you." He hugged us extremely tight, too tight. "Scott....too....tight..." I said losing my breath. He let go and mom smiled at us. "Well, I do know you guys are going to be late for school." Mom states. We all look at the clock and run out the door grabbing our bags.

Georgia's POV
We saw Stiles waiting for us with his jeep. (THE JEEP) "Well I really like picking you guys up for school but not when I'm gunna be late for my most important class." He said crossing his arms. "We know, we know. Won't happen again." Rachel promised as I nodded. We got in the car and waved at Scott as he got in his car to leave. We arrived at school with just enough time to get our books and go to class. I had English with Liam.

I walk into English class and I sit down by the big window on the right of the class.As I doodle in my binder I see that most of my class is here,I look to my left and see Liam starring at me with a sad expression.

While our teacher is in the middle of our lesson "Georgia?" Liam questions still worried
"I'm fine really "I answer trying so hard not to cry.

I look out the window and I see the bench that Allison was sitting on her first day.

Flashback:(Third POV)
Rachel and Georgia walk out of the school to meet the new girl that the principal wanted them to show around .
"Ya here are the girls that will be showing you to your class Miss.Argent " the principal announces as we walk up to them.
"Hi Im Georgia McCall,And this is my sister Rachel McCall.Were twins " Georgia says as the principal heads in to do his job.
"Hi I'm Allison Argent,If you don't mind but aren't you guys sorta young to be in highschool?" Allison questions with a kind smile.
"Yes but they have a special program for 10 to 14 year olds" Rachel states as she smiles back.
"Wonderful.Im guessing your both in that program?" She questions trying to find something in her bag
"Yep.Well we better go and show you to your first class" Georgia says with a small smile.
"Okay I have English with Mrs,Lynn" Allison says as she still try's to find something.
"Okay follow us we can show you." Rachel says as we head inside.

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